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Lance, I've been meaning to hit the tip jar for a while now. This post forces me to do it this weekend.
Thank you!


The long knives are already starting to fall. Brown just got fired.

The Heretik

Faith and reason, faith and doubt, faith in the face of an uncaring age? Who is the true man of faith? The man of faith believes he is touched by something he cannot see. Such a man has moved a mountain, or the mountain eventually comes to him. Faith tells us what our eyes see is an illusion and something better yet might be. So it is with great women and men touched by what they cannot see, who make great gold rise from a more base world. The world grows grand with small belief.

With the less great who believe themselves touched by what they cannot see, we come away with the feeling such people are touched, touched in the head, without the heart that feels what pain now pulses through the veins of this nation.

You can blame Saint Paul for having written, "Man is saved by faith alone." The Catholic Church says salvation requires both faith and good works. What people do, what they say, what faith they have are not always on the same level. We would sink with that knowledge if we were lesser men and women, but this world needs far better. So we must rise above that.


I was raised as a Lutheran and I believe we were taught to have faith AND to do unto others... I recall many people from my past acting as though they had great faith, they were great believers, but they were usually the ones who had great faith in themselves to get what they wanted. They were usually the ones doing the most wrong knowing they would be forgiven anyhow and somehow God liked them more than the average bear... Luckily, I grew up around parents who had faith, but they showed their faith through their good actions, not through endless comments about their caring. It would be refreshing to see a little more action (what was the Elvis song??? A little less conversation, a little more action???" by the people in charge. Yes, I did open my checkbook for those down south because I care. Did I tell anyone that? No, not until now. I merely took action. Frankly, I would like to know how much our leaders have given. I am curious how much George, Dick, Condi, etc have given out of their own personal accounts. I am guessing they make a multitude more than I. I would like to hear about what direct personal action they took. I found the President's request, that now was a time for our generosity, a little disgusting. Americans don't need to be asked. We are generous and he is lucky for that. I may be wrong, but I believe we alreay paid for some federal help by paying our taxes, but we will give some more because that is what we do. And that includes hitting the tip jar.

And as for Bush being mentally retarded... isn't that description a little more accurate for a sociopath?? No shame, no conscience?


Did you ever hear that quote by Jerry Falwell when debating Jesse Jackson?

"in the name of the lord, blow them all away"

Jerry and Pat sure do preach a lot of killing of the enemy. Funny, I though Jesus said that when someone strikes your face, turn the other cheek...


That was brilliant. And a 'Bleak House' reference, too!

That's always been my problem with so many religions - too much navel-gazing and not enough doing.

Although, as far as Michael Brown is concerned, I'm glad he's gone. No matter how much you care, if you're not qualified, you're not gonna cut it.


Malvolio: In the Stratford RST production, he came out wearing a yellow wetsuit. The audience howled.

Anyway, why is it I always feel sorry for the bad guys when they get fired, killed, hauled off to prison, etc.? I've been feeling sorry for poor beleaguered Brownie lately. He was clearly in over his head.

But so were lots of people in New Orleans.

Oh, just damn them all.

Kevin Wolf

You nailed it Lance. Agree with all of it.

I must say one of my (many) disconnects from and problems with Bush is the psuedo-humanity.

Exiled in NJ

Why is it that Captain Edward John Smith keeps popping up in my brain whenever I read your piece? Imagine the bloggers of 1912 arguing about his role in the great iceberg affair. Smith trumped any such comment by taking the course open to honorable men in that age. He was last seen on the bridge of his ship after giving the order to abandon, and he took his fault or lack of fault to the sea with him.

Now we have a another man with a common surname being booted back to Washington, possibly to commit more errors. Brown~~~~big bad Leroy Brown, Andy Brown the buddy of the Kingfish, Tom Brown and his schooldays, Downtown Ollie Brown of many teams in the 70's, so many who gave honor to the common name. Now after this new Brown, or Brownie as bloggers have termed him, the name will never be the same.

And odd how another phrase from Captain Smith's Waterloo keeps coming back to me: rearranging deckchairs. Isn't that the perfect description for government response, on almost all levels, response to this tragedy?



I like that, rearranging the deck chairs. Although with this Administration, what we often see is people pretending there are deck chairs and then miming the rearrangement.


I think you're absolutely right on about Brown. For all of his manifest incompetence, there was something completely genuine about his reactions to criticism. Jon Stewart nailed it when he remarked, "Brown's face says: 'don't hit me!'" There was a totally un-political vulnerability there that was new. It was a little like the pre-9/11 George W. Bush, who sometimes had a face that said: "Holy cow, I can't believe I'm president!"

Still, I'm very, very glad Brown is gone, and I can't wait for W. to depart.

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