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June 12, 2008


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Quibble: You have to be crazy to be a blogger.

No, it just helps to be crazy. Taking on a daily obligation (readers are pushy!) for no apparent reason?

Eric P.

Good Luck. I was sent here by your Dad to prove he actually has readers. I will check in occasionally to see what is up. I used to be twelve so we have that in common.
Go get 'em!


Welcome to the blogosphere! (Some people argue that it should be blogsphere, but that's too hard to say. If I type it that way, I try to hear it in my head and my head can't say it either.)

I like the whimsy of the only misspelled word in the post starting your sentence about being a bad speller. :-)


I'm a little old (way too old) for this blog, but I read about the launch of this site at your dad's site and wanted to wish you well. Have fun, Lance's son!


Hey there. I also have a the 12 year old, only mine's female. I'll send her by.

Also, you know what [whatever people a quarter of my age say when they mean] rocks?

Vegetables. Just saying.

Tom Hilton

I'm not crazy. The voices in my head are crazy, but I'm not.

And I'm another sent here to prove that your Dad has readers. I read your Dad, but the voices in my head don't.


I knew a 12-year old once. We're watching you sonny!


Hi,Oliver! Good luck with your new blog. We are all rooting for you.

Wev McEwan

Welcome to the blogosphere!


Have lots of fun; I'll send my teenagers over as soon as I can get them away from WoW.

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