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June 25, 2008


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Congratulations on your graduation!

Let us know if mom and dad give you a nice gift to commemorate this special occasion! :-)


O;iver, I heard rumors that you received the President's Education Award...and GOLD no less!! Congratulations on your accomplishment! I hope you're as proud of yourself as you family must be.

Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be just as successful in junior high next fall.

Enjoy your summer!!!

Royal Mannion

Gee, Oliver, I wish I know how you feel. However, my school goes through k-8, so I still have one more year to go (I'm in seventh grade) to feel that sense of accomplishment and FREEDOM! But I bet you're glad that you're done.


I did get the President's Education Award and it was gold. Also I got a watch from my grandparents and Lego Indiana Jones the video game from my brother and my parents. Yay!

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