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June 20, 2008


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Do the 6th graders like helping out or would they rather participate in the games? Our school has the 6th graders participate and they get special awards just because they're 6th graders.

Let us know how Field Day turns out. I hope you get soaking wet and have a whole lot of fun!


Mary, I did get soaking wet. The little kids (in my case kindergarten) are a lot more fun then the older kids (in my case 5th graders) because the little kids don't know what they're doing and are more likely to listen then kids who know what they are doing. Also since the older kids are closer to our age they don't know why they should take orders from us. Also I think the 6th graders had the most fun helping out (I know I did).


That's a fun memory you'll take with you from elementary school. I have a good Field Day memory, too. When I was in the 6th grade, I was in the 100 yard dash. My biggest competition was Timmy, a really big, strong guy, and a very FAST runner. He used to win all the running races. I wanted to win the race so badly....and I did!! I actually beat Timmy! I was the hero of the day. Well, with everyone except Timmy. :)

Royal Mannion

Field day has always been fun for me. And it helps that you don't have any little kids running around getting in your way, huh?

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