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June 17, 2008


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I agree, the ancient Greeks were awesome.


Oliver, as a medieval historian myself, and a librarian who buys ancient and medieval history for a large university (and also gets to work on a Greco-Roman dig in Egypt every other year), may I say that I am thrilled--THRILLED!--to learn of your interests. Keep up the good work, kiddo.


I wish I had been smart enough to learn more about the ancients earlier in my education. I am only now reading about ancient Sumer and thinking - wow! If you get a chance, you may want to look into it.

I also wish I knew some smart kids your age to send your way - the kids I know are wrestling with the basics of shoelaces 101. Well, they are only 1 and 2. :-)But maybe they know some smart 12 year olds!

Karen - a dig! How marvelous!


Wazzie, I agree the ancient Greeks are my favorite.


Karen I would love to see your library some time.

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