Did I mention that I like computer games? No? Well I do and two of my favorite online games are DrangonFable and MechQuest. They are made by Atrix Entertainment. DragonFable is my favorite but, they are both really fun. In Dragon Fable you are a brave adventurer (etheir a warrior, a mage, or a rogue) who is going to save the world. In MechQuest you're a mech pilot ( a mech is a giant robot) who is also going to save the world. The games are single player (unlike some other online games such as Runescape) so you never see other players. Also the games are free but you can't explore all of the game unless you pay twenty dollars. It sound like alot but when you consider that some games force ongoing payments it is worth it. You will be hearing more about these games as I blog on.
Oliver, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I know you will give your dad a run for his money and that you'll make lots of new friends.
Good luck with your blog and make sure your dad doesn't steal any of your good blogging ideas! You know how he can be. :)
Posted by: Mary | June 16, 2008 at 01:40 PM