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john sundman

Of the many great people & wise people I met during my years in high tech, one of the first, and one of the wisest, was named Linda Birch. I met her on my first job in the industry, at Data General in 1980. She was a senior technical writer with a very strong computer science background when I was a total neophyte with a basically nonexistent technical background, and she became a real mentor to me.

Anyway I remember Linda using the phrase "not just stupid, but militantly stupid" to describe some people (who would certainly be Trumpists today). "It's not that they're stupid; anybody can be stupid. It's that they actively choose to be stupid."

Linda went from Data General to Symbolics or Lisp Machines, one of those mid-1980's MIT startups in Kendall Square. But she got cancer and died when she was 40 or so. A great loss.

Life's a mystery, ain't it. Petrarch said as much, I believe.

Pete Johnson

I shall have to study Petrarch a bit more deeply now. I have been deeply puzzled and dismayed by the self deception and self defeating ignorance in this country. The fact that is is much more pronounced in the US and Britian and far less pronounced in Asian nations leads me to believe there is hope.
However, on this I may be be deluded too.


No need to be honest with yourself when there is a safety net to save you from the ramifications of bad decision making.

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