Posted Friday morning, May 29, 2020.
Mystery flowers with big blossoms and egos to match. The Old Mannion Homestead. Friday morning, May 29, 2020, around nine.
The view out the front window this morning. Anyone know who these showoffs are? I’ve been told they’re peonies. But it’s a little early for them and they’re stand alone flowers, long-stemmed individuals, and the ones that grew in our backyard in Syracuse were white. Somenone else suggested rhododendrons. But the rhododendrons here at the Homestead bloomed and blew at the beginning of the month. The ones back at the ranch came and went a couple of weeks before that. They look like hydrangeas to me, but the leaves are wrong and I don’t think hydrangeas are due until late June. Your input would be appreciated. Meanwhile I’ll just call them gorgeous, but not to their faces. They’re already too full of themselves.
They look like rhododendrons to me. I have a couple that have flowers with exactly that color. They've been in bloom for a couple of weeks now in Maryland. This year was a bit early for them, due to the mild winter no doubt.
Posted by: Keith B | Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:44 AM
(whispers) they ARE gorgeous!
Posted by: CapnMubbers | Friday, May 29, 2020 at 05:22 PM
They look like Rhodos to me, too -- when we lived in Victoria, BC they were always one of the earlier flowers to bloom, and they bloomed all summer. Here in Saskatchewan, the plants just don't last through the winter unfortunately.
As I recall, they mainly come in white or blue or a sort of dark pink colour, with some variations also in the appearance of the blooms depending on the variety, but the rounded flower at the end of each stalk is typical.
Posted by: Cathie from Canada | Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:49 PM
Judging from the leaves and stems, they're rhododendrons.
I'm envious; where I live, it takes a pretty skilled gardener and frequent attention to get them to flourish (we have very alkaline, clay-ey, compact soil)
Posted by: joel hanes | Tuesday, June 02, 2020 at 01:16 PM