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Marvel doesn't necessarily have the best stories, though they definitely have good ones. What they have is lots and lots of stories. The movies are based on the worlds created by guys like Kirby, Lee, Sterenko, Ditko and a host of others. Kirby was the great visualizer. I know people who have worked with and for him. Kirby thought and worked and told stories in an overblown visual style. Having long been a fan, it was wonderful seeing that CGI has caught up with his style. He hated empty space, especially when his mind was so full of detail. He could draw a complete page with the same effort as you or I could click an OK button. If you saw the movie Argo, where the rescue team needs a full length feature movie storyboard in 36 (or was it 48) hours. That part was real. Kirby delivered, and that sounded like one of his plots. Yes, they are cartoons or comic strips or bandes designee, but they are among the best of the genre.

(Kirby was the Erdos of comic books. They were both massively prolific.)

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