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Mo Brooks is a congressman from Alabama, not Arkansas. Easy mistake to make, I know.


As one of your readers for many years, and as I have done many times before, sir, I stand and applaud.

Lance Mannion

CVB, thanks for catching that. I fixed it.

Steven Schultz

Your post is a perfect summation of Republican governance over the past 35 years. Thanks for including the link to Mick Mulvaney's propaganda piece. I thought your claim that he came close to calling us all "thieves" might be hyperbole, but you were right. He certainly does imply it, while plainly criticizing the Obama administration for running up the debt to rescue us shiftless Americans from the Great Recession. (Enduring more pain would remind us whose fault it really was, I guess.) It's funny how the white-heat of the Republicans' burning desire to protect taxpayers from "theft" is never aimed at investment banks, hedge funds, defense contractors or a self-dealing President.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker

The rich haters never could have regained the position of dominion which they enjoyed in the First Gilded Age without the votes of the stupid non-rich haters--and the non-votes of the half-witted perfectionists who consider the Democrats equally corrupt and evil as the Elephascists.

Fiddlin Bill

Instead of asking for gruel, Ben Jacobs asked a sensible question. Cheeky.


> “Budget Director Mick Mulvaney comes awfully close to flat out calling everyone who needs government assistance ‘thieves’. I’m sure he makes an exception for...”corporations who get tax breaks (even paying zero taxes) or who get bailed out, as after the 2008 financial crash. Has he demanded that Wall Street bigwigs involved in that crash go to jail rather than be so benevolently forgiven? Well, then.

Corporations are people [deserving of empathy and sympathy], after all... to fill out Mitt Romney’s famous comment a bit further.

Actual, real, living breathing human persons, on the other hand... are not.

Kristen from MA

A congressman from Nebraska could not - or would not - answer when asked (on NPR) if every American is entitled to eat.

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