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I'm old enough to remember a few actual conservatives, but they all seem to vanish when society is in crisis. Either they move to more liberal positions or slam far to the right. I always remember George Orwell's essay on Kipling in which he says:

"Kipling was a Conservative, a thing that does not exist nowadays. Those who now call themselves Conservatives are either Liberals, Fascists or the accomplices of Fascists."

Sometimes I wonder if there ever were really any conservatives. They seem so evanescent at times.

Fiddlin Bill

The Southern Strategy put an end to such Republicans pretty much.


My father was an old guard conservative, born in 1904, but exactly fits this description. Someplace in the early 1970s I was home visiting and found him pounding out a letter on his typewriter. When I asked what he was doing he replied, "I am resigning from the Republican Party." What could prompt this radical--it was radical for a man of his generation--act? "I just got this fundraising letter signed by these guys Reagan and Helms. They are not conservatives, they're reactionaries and I will have nothing to do with them." For the years left to him he voted Democratic.



I think the real conservatives are all in the Democratic party now.

The liberals are heading to third parties.

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