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mac macgillicuddy

So much for time, maybe hypnosis? Meanwhile, there are places I can't even THINK about returning to for fear of the memory monster, and then there are places that, as there are for you in Syracuse, strike me as being dipped in memories even though I have none of them.

Andrew Milner

I'm an SU graduate (class of 1990, lived there on and off until 1994) so I also have many fond memories of the city.

Ken Muldrew

"I was doing that before Robin Williams did it in Dead Poet’s Society, by the way."

But were you doing it before Tony Randall on The Odd Couple?

Lance Mannion

Ken, I'll bet I learned to do it from Randall.

Andrew, how about that? We were neighbors there for a while.

mac, maybe not. I forgot to check if there were madeleines on display in the bakery aisle.


We live in Syracuse from September 2002 to April 2003. The morning we moved was the morning after the Orange won the NCAA Tournament, so for about ten hours, we lived in a championship city.

I saw a lot of things I liked about Syracuse, but I was never sure that I actually LIKED it. For one thing, I was unemployed and our daughter was 3, so for all that time I had almost no adult interaction with anybody. And I never really got a feel for Syracuse as a place. My sense is that Syracuse wasn't really for us...but it didn't get much chance to be, did it?

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