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Tim Susman

On top of that, I never want to be one of those people. You know, the ones who take over a question and answer session to make speeches and ride their favorite hobby-horses.

Having sat on many panels at many conventions, I am quite familiar with "those people." My friends and I call them "the people who think they should be on the panel." Congratulations on your restraint.

And thanks in general for the good read! I was not familiar with the story of Old Sneep--is that where the phrase "suck a lemons" comes from? I seem to associate that with being bitter about someone else's success, so it would sort of fit.

Chris Clarke

I've yet to see a Shakespeare denier argument that didn't boil down to classism. As someone who writes despite being almost completely untutored myself, I find the arguments say more about the arguer than about Will.

stephen benson

theatre, like music, is often far more collaborative than people realize. especially with new works. since it takes an ensemble for a piece to be realized the parts that get hammered out and bent into shape during that process are often quite different than the original idea that first made the page.

i'm certain that Shakespeare wrote the plays, and the poetry attributed to him. i'm also certain that there were a lot of ideas, and maybe even a character riff here and there that made it to the final product as a result of the collaborative process.

which for me doesn't change a thing.

another side trip is that I have always been surprised how many towering intellects I've met that are also musicians. granted most of them use music as a means to another end. Einstein said that playing the violin occupied enough space in his brain that it allowed other parts of his thoughts the chance to run free.


Just for the record, there's only one d in silver halide.

Ken Muldrew

Since the record is being corrected, you have a double electric in the title of Grattidge's book.

Until just now, I was inclined to dismiss the argument as worthless myself; not to suck lemons, but just because arguing over someone's name doesn't seem likely to profit anyone. The plays and sonnets were all written by the same guy and we may as well call him Shakespeare as anything else.

That someone might argue the point that these works must have been created by a gentleman of high birth and noble breeding at least makes sense, no matter how odious I find the argument. Likewise with the argument that the plays were written in a collaborative process. I don't really understand why anyone would be trying to make such arguments in the first place, though. Is it just that people think that someone who wrote so well should have been a bigger celebrity in his own time?

I look forward to even more enlightenment with your next post.


Prof Shapiro's first name is James, not William. And yes, great book!

Fran in NYC

In his last chapter, Prof. Shapiro writes about the research being done with computer-assisted linguistics. It hasn't had time to filter down to general notice but this research seems to show that, in the very late plays, Shakespeare was working with other writers. It also shows that none of the 'pretenders' has anything to do with the plays or poems.

Ken Houghton

It's been common knowledge for decades that many of the later plays were collaborations. (I wrote an entry on John Fletcher for an encyclopedia, and finding data confirmging collaborations was much simpler than anyone who be led to believe--there's a good deal of research on exactly that from the 1930s and 1940s, let alone recent years.)

Remember, by 1608 and certainly 1610, Shakespeare is a known name and commodity, and has to keep producing while also, well, producing. Going through the multiple iterations that resulted in Hamlet can either (a) not be done, because of other duties or (b) be done with a collaborator (apprentice?)

But I don't know of anyone who has suggested (with any non-classisist evidence, as noted above) that the large majority of the plays are not the work of William Shakespeare. (Nor does anyone dispute that several of them--Hamlet most especially--have antecedents among plays from other lands and in some cases English writers of the previous generation. That the Shakespeare version thrives while Kyd's Hamlet barely survives is For Good Reason--audiences prefer the former.)

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