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I can't help noticing that Mike's *talking about* handing it over, like the keys to the car, but he hasn't *done it* yet.

Still, I agree that it's happening, and as you say, it has to, by several different kinds of logic.

There'll probably even be an arc, some years down the road, one hopes, when [like Mike with his mom, who was spry in the 1970s] Alex will have to deal with Mike's dotage and . . . I can't make myself say it.

But, really, I'm good with that. Meanwhile, I'm going to go read "Blondie" to see what Dagwood's up to.

J. Dvorak

"We're not done. But we have to face it. The story of our lives is no longer the story of our life." Can't say that I agree. I plan to be the heroine of my own life for at least a couple of decades more. My focus will simply have shifted.

El Jefe


Agreed that Trudeau has always, in his own subtle key and ingratiating way (in the original, mostly positive sense of "ingratiating"), been aiming to be our Trollope/Thackeray at the very least. I look forward (nudge, nudge) to a post somewhere down the line about whether Doonesbury or The Wire is the Great American Post-1960 Novel (let's get clear enough of the war, *the* war, to have a reasonable picture) and why. Or whether (my vote) they are complementary and both required to tell the story in something like full. (Now, in the shorter time frame of the 21st Century I would throw in Marvel's Civil War series, but these -- Doonesbury and The Wire -- are tales woven on a bigger frame.)

Ken Houghton

Does anyone else find themself watching Harvard Defeats Yale 29-29, seeing (the real) B.D.'s crowning moment turn into "better do something else with my life," and thinking "Trudeau would have done this better"?

minstrel hussain boy

the handing over of the keys can be something as subtle as seeing one of your kids scooping the keys up at the door as you walk out together and thinking to yourself "great idea."

El Jefe


Yes. This thing you just said.

Lance again,

This seems especially timely, of course, since we of the Jefe household just spent Sunday and Monday at Eldest's college orientation (Go Ducks!) Such things concentrate the mind.

Bob Munck

An early stage of the turnover happened 7-8 years ago when Mike realized that he was no longer narrating his own life in his head. "Whatever happened to Mike 'The Man' Doonesbury?" In the next panel we were shown that Alex had taken up the habit.

There's also a fair amount of character equivalence from old to new generations: Zonker->Zipper is the most obvious, but there's also B.D.->Toggle, Mike->Alex, possibly Boopsie->Drew. I can't wait for Duke 2.0 and his faithful Chinese companion.


Perhaps Trudeau is preparing us; the man is not immortal. Look outside the strip. When the author is gone, will the narrative end, or will is it incumbent on we his readers to carry it forward in our own individual ways?

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