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the blonde

A perfect microcosm of my little town: Getting a shoutout from the Latino owner of the little market for my belligerent Irish T-shirt: "I'm sick of all these Irish stereotypes. As soon as I finish this drink, I'm going to punch someone."

Earl Bockenfeld

At the last GOP presidential candidates debate, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) was asked why he’s promised to address “the dangers of contraception in this country” if elected president. Santorum’s decision to justify his skepticism of contraception by citing the problem of unwed mothers is like something out of the Bizarro Planet. Here in the actual world, contraception is the solution to the problem of unplanned pregnancies, not the cause.

Murray’s latest book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, is a similarly rigorous work of scholarship. In the words of former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum, Murray’s latest opus proves that the racially-challenged author is unwilling “to submit his politics to the check of uncongenial evidence” and instead would “prefer[] to avoid encountering the evidence that might shake his politics.” Sadly, this description also applies to Santorum. I truly think Santorum honestly believes that if there was no contraception available anywhere, people would stop having sex. I don't think he would be embracing this unpopular issue with this much fervor unless he was personally committed to it. OK, he lives in a fantasy world, but will he be successful at convincing enough of the electorate to join him there?

Yes, we all know abstinence has worked over the last 3,000 years.........perhaps if the Virgin Mary would have had access to the pill........

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