A flame war between two sanctimonious and highly self-regarding liberal bloggers erupting in the Twitter timeline is not only enlightening and inspiring but will surely upend the Conventional Wisdom inside the Washington Beltway and change the course of the political debate in the country at large.
Amazing. It's like you're inside of my head, speaking my thoughts...
Posted by: Libby | Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 11:11 AM
Dish, Mannion.
Posted by: actor212 | Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 12:34 PM
Ooh! Ooh! Tell us who!
Posted by: Linkmeister | Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 06:25 PM
actor, link, it doesn't really matter who, specifically. The two who cluttered up my Twitter feed yesterday are just the most recent contestants in what's become a regular event. Many different people have been mixing it up with each other, as if what they tweet has significance in the analog world. It's a temptation to vanity that's hard to resist. I've fallen into it a couple of times myself. Felt really dumb afterwards. I will say that one of the guys on yesterday's fight card has been getting into it with lots of people lately and turning off a lot of former admirers since he's switched from arguing for what's right to demanding that everybody acknowledge that he's right, which he's apparently convinced himself are the same thing.
I'm guessing Libby knows who I mean.
Posted by: Lance Mannion | Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 09:50 PM
Oh, well. Given the description in that last sentence of your first paragraph, I'm guessing the guy who writes for Salon. He's become really really self-righteous, to the point where I've stopped reading him.
Posted by: Linkmeister | Thursday, December 29, 2011 at 02:03 AM
Just to be uncouth and say names out loud (which OGH is quite within his rights to redact if he things it might bring some hanging fire over to this blog), do you mean Sirota or GG? If it's the second of them he was ever thus, I think our side's part of the blogosphere Venn diagram just spent a long time making the undergraduate drinking buddy/significant-other's mistake that his zeal was about actual noble ends rather than his own self-satisfaction and desire always to be right. We have a fair share of them among the chatterers on Our Side, but one of the features (as opposed to bugs) of this election season is that it's making them more visible and, I hope, steadily less relevant. This is an observation that really belongs back in the "Chess With Liberals" thread, but with response to the idea of "hippie punching" (which may have been raised there tongue-in-cheek) I'd go back to Lloyd Bentsen: I know hippies (a larger than statistically average number I'll bet, since I live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon), I work with hippies (two first-generation ones at my own place of employment for starters), and these guys, they're no hippies. In response to something like anger about Obama Caving Again, hippies go out and live practical lives geared to building a different, better world from their neighborhood on out. These characters just turn the sound of their own purity up to eleven and bask like the guy in the old Maxell tapes ad.
Posted by: El Jefe | Thursday, December 29, 2011 at 03:12 PM
El Jefe, I meant Greenwald. He's gotten to the point where even if I agree with some of what he says he's still intolerable. He's still on my blogroll but I haven't clicked it in months. If I read him it's because I've been pointed there by somebody else.
Posted by: Linkmeister | Friday, December 30, 2011 at 01:46 AM
Self-described Liberals are fighting in the TwitSphere? Must be a day that ends (in English/American spelling) in "y."
Posted by: Ken Houghton | Tuesday, January 03, 2012 at 05:04 PM
Did you coin "TwitSphere"? If so, nice one. I'll give full attribution with future use.
Posted by: El Jefe | Tuesday, January 03, 2012 at 06:17 PM