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Count Bubba

Whenever I meet another one of these delusional Randian "Superman" I want to puke. They are, without exception, the most mediocre and immature people I encounter in my day.

And, alas, more and more of my friends seem to be evolving in this direction. Good grief...

the blonde

My company used to be owned by the Warren Buffet types who shared their wealth with the community.

Then it was taken over by the greedhead contingent. Sigh.


I had a friend who thought like those people in high school. He grew up to become an estate planning lawyer, and I was horrified to discover a couple of years ago that he was still essentially a Randroid who still thought he was better and smarter than everyone else even though he had never created anything in his life, not even a child. What seemed unfortunate in a 16 year old seemed pathetic in a 50 year old.


May I recommend "Gain" by Richard Powers?


Buffett's overarching point is not so much that "to those whom much is given, much is expected." It's less nuanced than even that.

He's says it clearest when he talks about how he never made a dime in this country except with the support of the other hundreds of millions of people in the land. From the janitor to his assistants to the guy who parks his car and makes it possible for him to have five more minutes talking business in a restaurant, all these deserve credit for his wealth (Responsible Wealth, as his UFE calls it

This is a truly noble and egalitarian belief, that anyone who's ever earned anything owes a lot of it to the people who were able to put him in the right place at the right time, even unwittingly.

Lance Mannion

Jim7, around these parts you can always recommend Richard Powers, Gain or any of his books!


Thoughtful as usual, Lance.

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