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He's named his boots Liberty and Freedom. His boots. I guess he didn't watch enough westerns to know that he should have named his guns that, not his boots.


All true, and well said, and as far as I'm concerned, rather irrelevant. That the Right and the GOP suck is not exactly new or news. What is new is the lack of an opposition party; under Obama the Democrats are enablers far more than they are an opposition, and the Right will win whoever holds the White House in 2013. In fact, they may well do better with another four years of Obama betraying every Democratic principle and making the "opposition" still more complicit in their crimes and follies.

So the real issue is, what are we going to do about that?

food doctor

he' an ass! Is that simple enough for voters.

Sherry Chandler

Oh dear, Lance, you put poets in such horrible company.


Hi Lance,

This post by you is the best written description of Rick Perry. Someone mentioned here or somewhere else how he reminds them of the Lonesome Rhodes character in A Face in the Crowd. Very scary.


Lance Mannion

Sherri, He named his boots Liberty and Freedom? Interesting. I heard he named them Liberty and Rebellion but he couldn't fit each word in full on the soles so he just wrote the first letters. (I know. Long way to go for a cheap shot.) Wonder what he's named his socks?

Earl Bockenfeld

It seems Perry, the longest serving Texas Govenor, already deserves his own "Book of Perryisms" which might outsell the "Bushisms Book".. Now, now most won't be on the same level as his famous interview signoff, "Adios, mofo." But Perry's may just warming up.

In the words of Gov. Rick Perry, secession was one scenario on the table for frustrated Texans. The BP oil spill? Might have been an act of God instead of corporate errors. And if the Federal Reserve puts more money in the U.S. system, as Perry told voters in Iowa this week, you could chalk it up as a treasonous act that would be treated "pretty ugly" down home in Texas.

His joke in June about an official whose name sounds like Jose Cuervo, a brand of tequila, being a perfect fit for the state's alcohol and beverage commission fell flat to a ballroom of Hispanic lawmakers. When an American tourist was allegedly gunned down in Mexican waters last summer, Perry drew criticism for asking Mexican President Felipe Calderon to call him within 48 hours to say the body had been found, "or they're not looking hard enough."

Even Perry has acknowledged that some of his beliefs might be a bit out of the mainstream for a presidential run. As the polls closed on Election Day 2010, when Perry would be elected to a third full term, he told The Associated Press that the ideas laid out in his new book were proof that he couldn't seek the White House. He called for scrapping Social Security in his book "Fed Up!" and compared the program to a Ponzi scheme. He's suggested states would do a better job than the federal government managing Medicare.

"Because when you read this book, you're going to see me talking about issues that for someone running for public office, it's kind of been the third rail if you will," Perry said last summer.

Once Perry starts talking about how important it is to reward corporations and special interests and how foolish it is to worry about working people will America know the REAL Rick Perry mind. Perry is selling what Palin was selling, god, guns, patriotism, same old, same old. Anything intelligent, like picking on the Fed, he steals from Ron Paul.

Of course, he says global warming is not real, can we all spell BIG OIL and campaign money?

Jeff Boatright

Killing an almost-certainly innocent man ought to be brought up every single time this asshole is discussed. Every effing time.

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