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A niggling point that would make your review, as well as the movie, even better (and would have made your "Don Blake" point for you)

Blake was not just human. Not just a doctor. He was handicapped. Remember? He needed a cane. A cane that just happened to become Mjolnir when he smacked it into the ground.

Charles J. Sperling

The *Thor* link I wish was better known comes from his battle with the Midgard Serpent (*Thor* #380 in 1987), when he tells Jormungand this:

"You are a mighty fighter, but in the end you are only a selfish creature while heroes...heroes have an infinite capacity for stupidity! Thus are legends born!"

All hail Walt Simonson!

Jane Foster later became a doctor in the comics (as Christine Chapel went from Nurse to Doctor in the "Star Trek" movies!), so I suppose I can buy her as an astrophysicist. What peeves me a bit about the use of Don Blake is that while he was meant to be a modest contrast (he's literally a lame doctor: "my bum leg kept me out of Korea," he remarks in a 1962 story) to the God of Thunder, he really doesn't have much to be modest about: not only is he a first-rate doctor (and a world-class surgeon, too: like the Seabees, he performs difficult immediately and the impossible only takes a little longer), but he's an inventor of no uncommon skill (Dr. Doom would probably deem an android Don built good work...if not up to his own Latverian standards) and capable of saving the day against the Grey Gargoyle with no more than a motorcycle and a borrowed gizmo from Tony Stark.

It's probably why the previously hailed Mr. Simonson dispensed with Don when he worked on the series (he even had Fandral the Dashing come to Don's Chicago office and shut it down) and didn't even use the alternate identity of Sigurd Jarlson too often.

Glasses as a disguise for a brawny super-hero, however, remain the greatest idea since pizza, just as Nick Fury claimed.

Wonderful review!


You didn't think the movie had enough humor? What about the scene in the pet shop when Thor comes in demanding a horse?

Oliver Mannion

The "video game scene" played more like a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Quick roll a d20 to determine the damage of your thunderstrike!

Dave MB

So is this a superhero action movie that passes the Bechdel Test?

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