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Bill Altreuter

What a pretty story.




Best anaolgy I've seen yet!

Mark Dye


Absolute. Pure. Freaking. Genius. On every level.

And, much like the Ryan plan would do to my son's future, I am so stealing this.

(I will also go pay my penance for not coming here more often. After 8 years (!) of hanging 'round the blogosphere (h/t: skippy) I am just now adding you to my daily reads. Sorry it took so long.)


You forgot "Where was the dealer while we were trying to work out how to fix the car?"


One thing you missed: The pundits would have mentioned that the way Ryan demolished that vehicle just goes to show what you can accomplish if you work out like he does every day. Otherwise, it's you and Andy Borowitz in my hit parade. Hilarious perfection.


You forgot to mention the part where he gives you a voucher for five bucks and tells you to use it to buy your car insurance for the next twenty years.

Lance Mannion

Thanks, folks!

Mark, welcome! Although now I'm embarrassed that the next two posts I was planning to write tonight were going to be about laundry and Happy Meals and neither one was meant to be a metaphor.


Since I always hold out hope that something will trigger a memory and get these people to rejoin their fellow citizenry by remembering the Golden Rule, I am forwarding this to my dimwitted, yet anointed for future "big things" (she's in all the photo-ops) congresswoman, Cathie McMorris Rodgers. Thanks for this, a metaphor that no one could misunderstand.


Can't stop thinking about this piece. It's just so fabulous.

Richard Gustafson

Like inviting Harry Reid to help would do anything! Talk about someone who steals your wallet?

food doctor

all of his rich friends beemers were recalled due to the fact that the
sense of entitlement light is constantly on and will not shut off.

Lance Mannion

food doctor: all of his rich friends beemers were recalled due to the fact that the
sense of entitlement light is constantly on and will not shut off.

lol. We wish.

Sue: You forgot to mention the part where he gives you a voucher for five bucks and tells you to use it to buy your car insurance for the next twenty years.


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