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Kevin Wolf

Per their definition, I'm going to hell, and I'd just as soon do that than be the sort of jerk Bentley is.


These "christians" don't even read the words (as given in their bible) of the man they believe is god, because Jesus never said anything at all like they think. How can you be saved? Love god and love your fellow man as you love yourself. Nothing about accepting Jesus as your personal lord and savior. This current religion that calls itself christianity is nothing at all like the religion preached by Jesus, which was, of course, a humanistic Judaism. I have a feeling that if Jesus could somehow have looked into the future, he would have been mortified to see that he was worshipped as a god, and that this religion would be taught in his name.


Hah. As a member of the United Church of Christ, I assume my beliefs are way too liberal for these folks. I believe 'inclusive' is the word that puts their undies in a bundle.
See you in hell, my friends. Maybe we can all get a table together.

minstrel hussain boy

when i am confronted with the threats of hell and dmanation i usually square myself up, give them my best country boy squint, often spit for emphasis and say:

ya'll really can't threaten me much with hell. i was a junkie in vietnam. i been. hell's doable. parts of it are even kinda fun, like the hookers in bangkok, ya know? fun.

usually shuts 'em right up.


Even Glenn Beck told this asshat to shut up.

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