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This is Lance Mannion at his best. I am now calmer than I was a few minutes ago.


They don’t hate big government. They hate it that they’re not running it.

You could have stopped typing right there, Lance, and have posted a great piece.

But I'm glad you didn't


Conservatives think we’re still living in the 19th Century.

Didn't Bill Buckley say it - that conservatives stand athwart history yelling "stop!"

calling all toasters

Conservatives, though, the principled small government types, don’t seem to see this.

That's because none of them is over 20 years old.


Conservative small-government principles were always a lie. Look, when someone insists that government is inherently corrupt, it can't NOT be corrupt by its very nature, it can accomplish nothing, and nobody involved in the entire enterprise is anything but a crook... the logical question isn't what does that person think should be done about it- they've already insisted nothing can be done, remember- but why does that person want to be in control of an inherently and inevitably corrupt but nevertheless very powerful enterprise?

Not in order to fix it, that's for sure.

Lance Mannion

RobW, when you're talking about Republicans in Washington claiming to be small government conservatives, then, yes, you're absolutely right, they're lying. But there really are principled small government conservatives who run for office for the same reason the original Progressives ran for office, to have the power to reform the government.

If any of them get themselves elected this fall they're going to be surprised either by their leadership's resistance to reforming the government or their own quick adjustment to the new reality where their principles no longer need apply.

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