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Guilty confession: For 30 years I've kept practiced on Desperado in both B and C [she's recorded them in both keys] in case -- just in case -- I one day find myself in a room with her and a piano. I confess it's a pretty unlikely opportunity, but if it happens I won't it pass.

I heard Linda's version of Poor, Poor before I heard his [long story there]. Hers is good; his is better.



Interesting choice of songs, bn. I'd have picked her version of Karla Bonoff's "Someone to Lay Down Beside Me." But I have no piano skills and my guitar ones have atrophied.

minstrel hussain boy

aside to nothstine: better get it ready in Bb, that's where she's doing it now. (time drops us down by half steps it seems)

Leo Leahy

Oh, man, I made the mistake of clicking on the screen and got to the original Youtube version and the "suggestions" lineup is full of Linda Ronstadt classics and I've got work to do. But not tonight! Look at that: I had forgotten that she covered "Tumblin' Dice" ...

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