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Of men and jealousy: I'm coming to believe jealousy runs much deeper in men than women. Marc Maron's confessional podcasts frequently (I'm talking weekly!) deal with his festering resentment of other comics based on professional jealousy. As he confronts this in interviews with comedians he has resented (and been "mean" to), the two men usually discuss it in a way that tells me this is the sea they swim in, more norm than exception. Curious.


If you're feeling ambitious, I'd recommend a very long life-and-times tome from the early 1990s by Michael Schumacher called Dharma Lion: A Critical Biography of Allen Ginsberg. I wasn't much of a Ginsberg fan either, but after finishing the book, my respect for him was raised a hundred fold.

Jackie Ogburn

Yes, do look at Dharma Lion. Ginsberg worked hard to promote the work of Kerouac and other Beats, harder than he worked to promote his own. He had a horrific childhood, but had a generous spirit just the same and encouraged many writers and artists during his long life. He also lived openly as a gay man when that took tremendous courage. Yes, he had a huge ego too, but I think he needed it just to get up in the morning.


Jackie, SFMike, thanks for the recommendation. I've put it on reserve at the library.

Victoria, I think there's an idea for a blog post in what you say.

Cleveland Bob

Thanks, Lance. I've been on a James Franco binge lately and this is fist clip of Howl that I've seen. I think he's aces as an actor and here's his first big shot in a major movie to test his mettle. Supporting doesn't appear at all lacking either.

Secondly, I couldn't agree more with your assessment of Ginsburg. Fits my opinion precisely. Here's hoping for that "third fiction" of which you speak.

Let the cross posting begin. Thanks.

Leo Leahy

Poets that don't have a huge ego are mainly those poets that you have never heard of. Thanks for the post. I'm looking forward to seeing the film.

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