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Ita a great movie, but it's not just a string of car crahes--it's an allegory for the history of rock & roll.

That said, the pope is grasping. The "mission from god" is pretty tongue-in-cheek, and if anything what it teaches is that the church is authoritarian, cruel, and narrow.


And now, let us sing His praises. Please open your hymnals to "Rubber Biscuit," page 487

minstrel hussain boy

i have long been known in the music business as someone who is totally susceptible to a pitch that starts out "we're on a mission from god..."

the pope is probably looking for anything to distract attention from the seemingly never ending stories of abuse, coverup and corruption.

Oliver Mannion

Not taking it very seriously is an understatement. I disagree with most of the decisions the Vatican makes (other than this one)

T Miller

As a baptized catholic who no longer attends or supports the church, you have written really eloquently about the 'common' catholic experience. I learned the same things from my mother and other 'common' catholic human beings. The catholic church on the other hand well..... Anyway, Thanks. I'm glad the brothers are considered part of the family!

Tom (Kaletka) Delaney

I think someone was on the right track here! I am from a Polish Catholic "South Side" Milwaukee family. This film was immediately appreciated in our family for capturing something of the midwest Catholic working class cultural experience, especially our cultural encounter with the African-American community, blues and rock and roll. In my family, everyone had a love/hate relationship with nuns, everyone likes Chess Records, and we all really do hate nazis! We love the scene where the closet nazi declares, "...and they're Catholic." Hey, if the nazis don't like you, you must be doing something right! Most of all, this film encourages you, even if you're a stray sheep, to keep to your core values! Kick in and help out when the going gets rough for a brother or sister! And crank up some Booker T or John Lee while you're at it! Great and inspiring film!!

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