Sharron Angle, the Republican candidate for Senator in Nevada, apparently believes that God allows rapes to happen as alternative way to bring beautiful babies into the world and that a rape victim who gets pregnant by her rapist shouldn’t want or need an abortion because God wants her to have that beautiful baby.
It’s all part of His plan.
Listen to Angle talking about His plan on Huffington Post.
For thirty years now the lamestream media---thanks for your one and only contribution to the culture, Sarah Palin---has covered the Radical Religious Right not only as if their twisted, 19th century brand of apocalyptic authoritarianism is a just folks brand of Christianity but as if it is Christianity.
There are no true Christians except Right Wing Fundamentalists, just as there are no true Americans except Middle Western and Southern Reactionaries.
It’s not Christianity. It’s practically its opposite. It’s a dark religion of shame and hatred built around the superstitious appeasement of a capricious and malignant God who plays games with people’s lives and enjoys making them miserable.
The Anti-Abortion side of it turns it into a fertility cult in which women are the sacrificial offerings.
What the Wev says.
Update: Via Andrew Sullivan, good Christian Sharron Angle’s version of WWJD?
Everytime I hear someone describe themselves as "pro-life," I mentally find and replace that word with "anti-choice." It makes it easier to see the fake piety.
Posted by: chachabowl | Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 01:17 AM
Christianity, like most religions, is more about power and control than spirituality. And for some reason, control of reproduction is the chief aim.
Posted by: Mark | Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 08:34 AM
The reason, Mark, is that controlling reproduction -- actually, controlling women's reproduction -- helps keep the patriarchal power base strong. It is in no way surprising that the Catholics still refuse to ordain women. Why share the power?
Posted by: Vir Modestus | Thursday, July 01, 2010 at 05:04 PM
So Mel Gibson was merely telling Olga to go forth and multiply?
Posted by: actor212 | Friday, July 02, 2010 at 07:26 AM
Well, at least we don't have to die in childbirth because of Eve's sin anymore.
I imagine the Utah State Legislature is working on that as we speak, however; maybe Sharron should consider moving there after she loses the election.
Posted by: Sue | Friday, July 02, 2010 at 04:38 PM