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Frankly, Lance, the series is so long and in need of so many "main" characters that one loses the thread way too easily.

Haven't read the book, and of course, the movie isn;t out until later this year, but I already deduced who dies. This is the problem when you set up a "kill or be killed" scenario.

Which is my major complaint about the series. Rowling could have made as compelling a series (see Holmes/Moriarity) by simply having Harry grow into his role as the balance to Voldemort, and leaving the ending up in the air.

Yes, cultural myths demand a conclusion, but Harry is not mythological, altho he borrows heavily from mythology.

Harry is fantasy and by leaving the conclusion out, whole generations of children would be permitted to continue the narrative in their own heads, in their dreams and on the playground.

The Potter series is a one or two generation phenomenon for this reason alone. It will date itself quickly, but that's the fate of children's literature (poor Nancy Drew. Poor Hardy Boys): it's hard to be a classic when the world around you changes so dramatically and kids aspire to much different things.

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