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Bill Altreuter

You'll still hear Germans called "Boches" by Dutch and French people occasionally. It is very rude- I've never heard anyone use the word when sober.


Actually, style-wise, that doesn't read all that differently from the stuff you find in Glamour and Cosmo today.

BTW, the phrase "Bien Etre des Blesse" should be translated as "Well-Being of the Wounded" (assuming there isn't a better way to say "well-being" in French).

Speaking of said society, I'd never heard of Mrs. Gertrude Atherton, famous novelist. According to Wikipedia, she had quite an interesting life and career, and if you think this article you've posted is hot stuff by the standards of the time, 20 years earlier Atherton published a novel entitled Patience Sparhawk and Her Times, which according to the NY Times's critic "offered a series of 'fleshy' episodes in [the heroine's] life that must have scared a sensitive reader." Now that would be fascinating to read as an example of what was considered shock-worthy in our great-grandparents' day!

Didn't mean to take the attention off of your distant relative, who seems to have been an extremely admirable person. Not hard to imagine that Mrs. Atherton recognized something of her own daring spirit in Miss Puller when they met.

Here's the URL for anyone interested in Mrs. Atherton:

Ken Muldrew

In "Suite Francaise", Irène Némirovsky has a character (French, under the occupation) call a German soldier a "boche" to his face. Another character chides her for being tactless. Since it was written contemporaneously, there's a good chance it was adapted from a real event.


Fairfax, you can read/download Patience Sparhawk here.

Lance, as I said on FB, your relative fits the "chorine with a heart of gold" literary trope perfectly. Perhaps she was one of the inspirations for it!


Be careful with this genealogy stuff: it's like crack. I'm officially obsessed. I know it sounds like a commercial for that new show, but it really can change your life entirely.

Larry Mannion

Yes, I know it is addicting. I never thought I'd be lurking in cemeteries, camera in one hand gps in another...not to mention getting locked into the country's most haunted cemetery with Uncle Sam.
BTW Marion Pullar also went on to become the first stage manager in America and head Play screener for NBC radio.


I've been there: the cemetery in Malden, MA, the GPS, the cell phone with my husband in Los Angeles on the other end of the line trying to direct me using Google Earth and his memories as a 7-year-old.

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