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Ken Muldrew

A constitutional conference! Give them four years to accomplish a complete rewrite and televise the whole thing, but not through a boring, C-span-like, neutral observer. Get Mark Burnett to produce, with cameras everywhere, and all the footage edited down to make a compelling narrative. Backroom deals, arm-twisting, nights of the long knives...get it all in there. That would be television worth watching!

Kevin Wolf

God (so to speak), I wish I'd written this.


The Constitution didn't envision an Air Force, or any kind of aircraft. Why does the government insist on using money rightfully belonging to the Navy or Army for these things instead?

One Congressional obstructionist from Georgia said it was unconstitutional to force people to buy insurance. I guess he forgot that the state of Georgia requires every resident to buy insurance for any vehicle they operate on state roads.


The most unpopular part of the health insurance reform bill is going to be the so-called individual mandate, the requirement for everyone to have insurance. But when it comes to the insurance companies, this is the one thing about the bill that they actually like.
So if some attorney general somewhere succeeds in getting a judge to overturn the individual mandate, the insurance companies would be screaming to get this back.
And this, of course, is the one part of the bill that the Democrats don't really care that much about anyway -- if people only needed to buy insurance after they got sick, and if an insurance company couldn't turn anyone down for preexisting condition or cap payments, then the insurance companies would rapidly go bankrupt and in the end the government would have to extend Medicare to everyone, which is what the Democrats really want.


I like to think that Franklin would have wanted us to have jet packs as well as free libraries. Trepanning, not so much.


The long tradition of impeding progress includes the moment when some Virginia counties actually closed their public school systems to avoid integration. This actually happened. You can look it up. Here in North Carolina we had something called the "Piersall Plan." It was a conscious go extremely slow plan which avoided almost all integration for probably 15 years after Brown V Board. Mr. Piersall was a state legislator. And of course there are the more obvious references--George Wallace standing in the school house door.

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