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Michael Bartley

We're behind you Bill, er, I mean Lance. Sitting Bull? Sittin' Bull? Okay, that's from memory now to watch it all again and to prepare for all your shot and arrow to the heart of this movie I cherish. Looking forward to it.

Michael Bartley

Also, may I add some book ideas that might become part of the discussion.
Louis Warren's Buffalo Bill's America (I believe the best bio. on Cody).
L.G. Moses' Wild West Shows and the Images of Am. Indians, 1883-1933.
Finally, the great James Welch's brilliant novel The Heartsong of Charging Elk.

Ken Houghton

Drats! That was going to be my excuse.

Now I have to go with "But your overview is much more in depth than anything I could contribute."

Michael Bartley

Oh, yeah, and Arthur Kopit's Indians, the play, was also published in paperback so you all can read that as well. Now, that you've done your reading you can sit back and watch Altman's history lesson which as we all know, in the great tradition of JFK, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Fargo, must be true. Sorry Lance, I'll sit down now.



Thanks for the recommendations. And don't sit down. I'm counting on you to carry tonight's discussion.


Don't live in USA, can't watch on youtube. Stupid MGM blocks content outside of the US. Why?


Dwgs, that's pretty crummy of MGM. I'm sorry to hear it. Amazon has it to "rent" online. Costs 3 bucks American. Here's the link.

Buffalo Bill And The Indians

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