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« Programming note: Oliver Mannion, refreshed and restored to his full powers after vacation, returns to live blog Heroes yet again | Main | But did she turn on the lights and siren? »


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Oliver, I never get to follow the liveblogging live--and am in fact, several weeks behind the current story--but I always enjoy coming back later to read once I catch up.


Boring love story? Oliver, make no mistake: HRG is *Batman*. And when Batman's new blonde girlfriend from Angel gets whacked by the carnies? Batman's gonna TEAR SOME CARNIES UP.


Hi Oliver, I'm sorry I missed your last two live blogs. We were off visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. It was fun but I'm glad to be home. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving.

It sounds like I missed a good episode. I'll have to watch it online.

Rob, I like your idea that HRG is Batman. I hope you're right about him and the carnies.


The should we go or should we stay back and forth between cheerleader and ex-roomie was a flip flop extravaganza wasn't it? I was kinda laughing, alot.
Goooo Batman. Goodbye Nathan?

David Noon

I've never actually watched this show, but these live blogs are really entertaining...

Oliver Mannionm

Thank you for the comments see you in jan.

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