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Sherry Chandler

Could have been a flinty New England Liberal proud that he cast his first vote for President for John Kennedy

Oh lord, Lance, is this the cut off for geezer? am I going to have to start calling myself "spry" now?


The first time I ever heard him I was on a driving vacation on the Mainland in the mid-1980s, and I was amused by him. Maybe back then he wasn't as much of an SOB as he became a few years later, or maybe I kept tuning the car radio past him to find the AL or NLCS.


Late August 2001. Staunton, Virginia. It was our first stop since leaving Pennsylvania for a cross country drive in a van carrying furniture from my childhood. After lunch, we walked Staunton's lovely historic streets, wandering in and out of antique shops. For whatever reason, the older man who owned one of the larger stores - an unusual labyrinthian basement space - took a flirty liking to me and started chatting me up. Only problem: Rush was playing on the radio and, after a few particularly ugly sentences, I was looking for the nearest way out. So the shopkeeper is smiling and winking and turning on all his charm and I cannot find a door (and how telling that this Rush fan wasn't perceptive enough to realize I was constantly moving in order to escape?). Finally, I stopped and turned to him, "It's the ugliness coming out of your radio. Where's the nearest exit?" He actually looked hurt. I've always wished I could have cared more about that, but honestly, once Rush's voice became audible a possibly interesting, eccentric antique space became dark and cluttered with no windows, air, light...and seemed to have no way out.


I feel the same way about Fox News in public places, such as bars/restaurants in airports. The only way to change the situation is to behave the way you did, and ask the proprietors to change the station. Most of the time they don't even realize how offensive it is, and it's instructive to remind them. In general public space, we don't need to hear/look at that garbage.

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