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What I don't understand is that George Will writes for the Washington Post, and you don't.

Seriously. Best thing I've read so far this year.


Splendidly and powerfully said. When in the last decade have Republicans ever taken responsibility for any of the multiple disasters under their watch? They truly are idiot, greedy sociopaths, and the way they dominate the media with audacious lies is just poisoning democracy here.


If you've got a "Portfolio" section of your résumé, add this to it.


Well, in fairness, they have to forget about Teddy Roosevelt, because the Taft Republicans who took him down are still in charge.

Also, I heart you. But you knew that.


You rant like Fred Astaire dances.


Anything further in the way of praise would be redundant at this point, so I'll just say... Dude! You rock!



Cleveland Bob

Beautifully crafted, Lance.

I read the last paragraph or so out loud to myself. It sounded as good as it reads.



Go re-read history.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the evil and the stupid.


I've been watching little bits of Hannity recently and you've exactly described the universe he inhabits. Just last night he told Newt Gingrich that Reagan inherited a far worse economic situation than Obama and he did the exact opposite - tax cuts! more for big business! - And he saved the country, right before he also freed the Soviets. Now I'm no economic historian but far as I remember the problems of the late 70s were a picnic compared to the current mess.

My religious wingnut mother-in-law is exactly the same, keeps saying she can't understand it, the economy was doing very well until the Democrats took control of Congress. I can't talk to her anymore, I'm so angry about the shit we're in I might find myself saying things to her I'd regret.


I started to write a piece on this on my blog, RABBLE ROUSER'S FORUM, but as usual, your postings are so succinct and to the point, I ended up reposting your assessment with two other "Jindal" articles.

What scares me is that it's so obvious and painfully clear what we are seeing here, and yet there are people out there who truly believe this crap. There are some evil people who aren't stupid, and there are some stupid people who aren't evil. Evil and stupid? Priceless!


Haven't you been paying attention?

This economic crisis is the fault of lefties, liberals, libertarians, lenders, Lithuanians, and all those other L-words, rather than the people in charge at the time.

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