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I wish I were as optimistic. I think we just got ourselves a nice blonde Al D'Amato.


I called it for Gillibrand also a few weeks ago.

The choices were Gillibrand, Cuomo, Carolyn Maloney (a truly odious New Yorker who carried bupkiss upstate), and Kennedy, who dropped out.

That left Cuomo and Gillibrand.

So do you substitute one dynasty for another (and risk pissing off NY women, a key demographic to Patterson's re-election bid), or take a chance on a moderate (she's conservative only compared to John Hall or anyone south of her to Louise Slaughter, a Buffalo-area Congresscritter who had been floated).

Gillibrand's pretty liberal. See? This whole whiny thing from "liberals" is utter bullshit.

"She has received an 8% rating from the American Conservative Union[21], 70% from Americans for Democratic Action[22], and 100% from the American Civil Liberties Union[23]"

Chris The Cop

I was going to pat myself on the back re: Ms. Kennedy except for two things: (1) I don't think anyone knew how inarticulate--at least in public--she is and (2) I quickly remembered that I never thought Bufffalo would lose four straight Super Bowls.


If Democrats retain control of both houses of the New York state lege, redistricting may not be as big a problem. (Aside from the seats NY will lose due to population loss, a problem the lege seems happy to casually ignore.)

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