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Sunny Jim

Maureen Dowd continues to enjoy a celebrity-pundit status way beyond what she deserves.

One thing I'll never forget: her biting, 'so-effeminate-he's- practically-lactating' jibes at Al Gore eight years ago were part of the reason we got stuck with an inept executive branch that fiddled as the looters made off with everything that wasn't nailed down.


Julia's analysis is quite informative. I tend to forget she's on my blogroll because she mostly posts at FDL these days (I think), so I'm glad to be reminded.


Thanks, Lance. This was good.

Dowd needs to be fired yesterday - but she's everyone's favorite token woman. Toes the beltway pundit party line, doesn't rock the boat, and performs the useful and necessary function of tearing other women and liberals down (while still claiming to be a liberal herself).

I like the sound of Gillibrand. Too conservative for me, but then, so are all politicians. As Democrats go, she's pretty middle of the road; the fact that she's a smart and ambitious young woman who is going places makes me want to give her a chance. Who knows - maybe she will run for president.

Good for Paterson for picking a woman. We're sorely underrepresented as it is.

Mo MoDo

The Tracy Flick nickname was reported on both Politico and Huffington Post before Dowd wrote her column. I have links to both articles on my blog. That post also has a movie mash-up of Gillibrand as Tracy Flick and Paterson as Matthew Broderick.


Speaking of Dowd, there's a book review in the San Francisco Chronicle of "Snark," by David Denby that contains this quote:

"New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd comes in for some of his (Denby's) heaviest criticism - with a chapter all her own. He calls her malevolent, naive and "essentially sour and without hope," and says she "writes as if personality, appearance, and attitude were the only things that mattered."

"Why isn't his attack on Dowd snark? First, it isn't anonymous. Second, it isn't ridicule but criticism. Third, he's trying to make points, not score them. Still, there's a catty sting to his remarks."

the full column is at

I laughed out loud.


That was unusually mean for you, Mr. Mannion, and all the better for it. And chachabowl: Maureen Dowd and David Denby are both hacks with different styles (one snarky and one earnest), but the world would be a better place with less of both of them in public.


Wow, that last sentence of your really packs a punch, Lance. A deserved one, I believe. This was cynical - even for MoDo. She all too gladly included someone's view (who on earth knows who?) that Gillibrand, who seems to have stolen what Dowd thinks was rightfully Kennedy's, will be "a pain." The sexist overtones are quite clear. An assertive woman is "a pain." Rush Limbaugh said Elizabeth Edwards wouldn't "shut up." We know the code all too well. Her usual temptation to drum up a juicy Clinton-controversy is predictable. It's like a drug she (and some other pundits) can't stay away from wanting. Choosing to remain a tabby in a decidedly new era of hope is simply boring.


About the no-shows at Gillebrand's introduction, I read that someone asked Andrew Cuomo if he'd be attending. He reportedly replied, "I can't- I have to rearrange my sock drawer." (Not a joke, he actually said that.)


"She’s also honest, at least as a campaigner."

No, she isn't. There's a key moment when she tears down all the other candidate's posters in a fit of frustration at her inability to keep one of her own poster up. Then she hides the evidence in a dumpster and lies about what happened. Certain that she'll be caught and her future ruined, she's completely flummoxed when the other girl takes the blame, but then has no problem denouncing her. She's all about a sense of entitlement to recognition for her accomplishments; fair enough, but it is made ugly by her refusal to accept responsibility for poor behavior. She wants (needs) credit, but runs from blame.

Without that incident, which resulted in the slacker girl's disqualification (remember, her "who gives a damn about this election" speech was by far the most popular), Tracy might not have won her narrow victory of 2 votes. Because a high school class presidency is indeed nothing more than a popularity contest, all her accomplishments really don't amount to much no matter how badly she wanted it for her future resume. She knew deep down that, despite her hard work and achievement, she just could never be as popular as the rebellious slacker or the sweet but dumb football player, so she lashed out and then covered it up.

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