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Bill Altreuter

The worst thing about Bush? People fell for it. It is bad enough that the press propagated the utter myth that there was little substantive difference between Bush and Al Gore-- but 49% of the electorate refused to believe the evidence of their own senses and believed it. And then it gets worse-- an actual majority of the country looked at his record and re-elected him! The worst thing about Bush was us.

Michael Bartley

Once again, thanks Lance. You captured Bush's character brilliantly. The Obama/Palin contrast was excellent. Looking back at the last campaign, I was always struck by the experience argument. I always wondered why people who insisted on equating time with experience didn't just vote for the oldest person. Vote for Betty or Bob cause they're one hundred and one could have been a fine slogan. Never mind quality of experience or other factors such as judgement. Just vote for the old guy or gal. That is until Palin emerged from her border outpost overlooking those dangerous honking Russian seals. Suddenly, pretty became the new old. Well, that's all for me. Guess I'll go change. Clothes that is...


I took Bush's departure a bit more personally.

joel hanes

Bush is still the same person he always was - a coward and bully who plays the game by breaking the rules and fouling his opponents, and an arrogant parvenu who believes he is entitled to get away with it.

Molly Ivins tried to tell us.


While reading this, I had a vision of a conversation a few decades from now, when someone says "Gee, I had a real Bush day today; nothing went right." And the ever-present nitpicker (sounds like a rare woodland bird) replied, "You know, technically 'a real Bush day' is a day when nothing went right because you were unprepared and incompetent. I hate it when people sloppily use it to mean just a bad day."


Fuyura: Brilliant. Made my (otherwise plain old bad) day.



He's already brought a new meaning to the term "Bush league".

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