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Chris The Cop

Two quick points:

1) I don't see how you can think Ms. Kennedy for Senator "is a good idea" - she's not qualified. That means she shouldn't be a United States Senator. (And now she's refusing--initially---to disclose her finances unless and until she's appointed.) No matter how this is spun, it smacks mightily of entitlement. At least Bush RAN for something--and won--before running for President.

2) The Dems don't need her to win the Senate seat in 2010. NY State is such that there won't be a Republican winning a state wide office for a long,long time. OBama even won Oswego County, for God's sake, Lance!! Dems are a lock! At least until their version of Jack Abramoff surfaces.


Er, um.

. . .three qualifications for senators: 1) each senator must be at least 30 years old, 2) must have been a citizen of the United States for at least the past nine years, and 3) must be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state they seek to represent.

Those are the only quals the Constitution requires.

Jesse Helms was a two-term city councilman and radio talk-show host before he became a Senator.

Al Franken, if he ultimately wins in Minnesota this year, will have had no political experience other than this campaign.

Fred Thompson was a lobbyist and actor before he became a Senator.

I don't know how I feel about Caroline Kennedy as a Senator, but she's as qualified as those guys were.


Oh crap. Imagine there's a closed tag after Helms.


So, Linkmeister, that list of names is supposed to make me feel better about Caroline Kennedy?

I just can't imagine that New York is so devoid of political talent that this is the best they can do.


No, Daniel, just pointing out that there have been other examples of people with little political experience becoming Senators. I left out political wives (like Hilary) since they've been around the game for as long as their husbands were in it.

Frank Carmelo

RFK can't be AG because of his drug convictions. And his bizarre anti-science jeremiad on the autism-vaccine story is pretty embarrassing. As is his opposition to Cape Wind.

When it's pretty and not near a Kennedy home, he's quite a good enviro activist. But he lost me for good with Cape Wind. Idiotic.

Frank Carmelo

RFK can't be AG because of his drug convictions. And his bizarre anti-science jeremiad on the autism-vaccine story is pretty embarrassing. As is his opposition to Cape Wind.

When it's pretty and not near a Kennedy home, he's quite a good enviro activist. But he lost me for good with Cape Wind. Idiotic.


I am cautiously willing to let Caroline Kennedy give it a try. People repeating her lack of elected experience dismiss a lifetime of being a Kennedy, writing books about the Constitution, quiet work behind the scenes for causes she believes in. I understand where her critics are coming from, but they also dismiss some very real assets she has, that a journeyman politician does not.

For one, there are generations of Democrats in Congress who owe their careers and decades of political wisdom and guidance to her uncle Ted- she will have powerful allies in getting things done for NY.

Second, and this is indeed an intangible that people vastly underestimate: sheer star power. I'm sorry, but I cannot help see both of her parents when I see pictures of Caroline, and their iconic legacies are still very powerful symbols to many Democrats, it's undeniable.
Rationalists and technocrats dismiss this atavism, but it is a powerful thing, probably the very reason pre-modern societies had monarchies in the first place. The Kennedy family story still resonates, she is a walking embodiment of a vanished golden age.

I realize some see this as undemocratic balderdash, but charisma and star power is what history is made of, not just dull competence. I see no reason why Caroline Kennedy would not be less worthy than an upstate congressman, say. Like Lance, it''s an intuition that she might indeed be a very good senator for NY. She seems smart, cultured, her wealth makes her beholden to no one for corrupt financial gain, she's evinced a lifelong interest and participation in American life, albeit in many subtle, quiet ways.

Chris G.

Paterson could always appoint Mario Cuomo to hold the seat for a few years. That would make me smile. Then the congresscritters could fight it out in 2010 or 2012.

I do have to say that the hand-wringing over a possible CBK appointment strikes me has really, really funny in a sad sort of way, as if THIS would be the interim appointment that would show how awful the very notion of interim appointments is. I'll take Caroline Kennedy or Harris Wofford over Roger Wicker any day, thanks.


Caroline Kennedy is more than qualified

Or doesn't community activism count after Barack Obama.


The notion of Mrs. Schlossberg as a "community activist" is pretty funny.
Well, I suppose the American Ballet Theatre is a community.



Which part of my post makes you think I even mentioned her work with Lincoln Center?

Or did you even bother to look at her near-decade long relationship with the NYC Department of Education?

I'm guessing not. More's the pity.


Kirsten Gillibrand "Let’s take a look at what a qualified candidate for the New York Senate seat looks like.

Born and raised in Albany, she graduated from the Emma Willard School in Troy, the country’s first all women’s high school. She went on to Dartmouth, graduating magna cum laude in 1988. She got her law degree from UCLA in 1991 and served as a law clerk for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals whose jurisdiction includes the Districts of Connecticut and Vermont, as well as the Eastern, Southern, Western, and Northern Districts of New York.

She served as Special Council to HUD Secretary, Andrew Cuomo, during the Clinton administration where, among other efforts, she helped strengthen the Davis-Bacon Act of 1936 which states that all federal construction contracts, and the majority of construction projects operating with federal assistance of $2000 or more, must provide for paying workers no less than the local prevailing wage and benefits package for similar projects.

She was a partner at Boise, Schiller, and Flexner, doing pro bono work for abused women and their kids. She sat on the Board of the Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee, the Committee on Greenway Heritage Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, and the advisory board of the Brennan Center for Justice.

This Blue Dog Democrat, representing New York’s 20th Congressional District, supports stem cell research, the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act, is against the partial privatization of Social Security, and opposed now disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer’s plan to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Can I just say right here that I really like this lady?

In Congress she sits on the Congressional Agriculture subcommittees on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture, and the subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry. In the Congressional Armed Services Committee she sits on the subcommittees on Sea Power and Expeditionary Forces, and Terrorism and Unconventional Threats.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have a winner."


Unfortunately, political appointments are often about things other than experience and qualifications for the job. We may never recover from the Presidential Idol debacle.

Meanwhile, at least Ms. kennedy seems to be gaining some self-awareness:

Kennedy offered no excuses for why she failed to vote in a number of elections since registering in New York City in 1988, including in 1994 when Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was up for re-election as the state’s senior senator.

“I was really surprised and dismayed by my voting record,” she told the Associated Press. “I’m glad it’s been brought to my attention.”

In her first sit-down interview since she emerged as a Senate hopeful, the 51-year-old daughter of President John F. Kennedy said she has always pondered jumping into politics, but waited for the right moment.

Yeah, the moment is perfect.

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