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Dave MB

Thanks for the answer to my question! _True Grit_ is one of my favorite movies, and you've reminded me that I ought to reread the book.

You know, of course, that the movie kept all the place names from the book, so that all of those snow-capped mountains and montane forest in the movie are actually in eastern Oklahoma?

In the clip you posted, Glen and Kim appear to me to be several miles from John and Bob, yet they are not only in long rifle shot but in earshot!

Bill Altreuter

I'm not disagreeing with the "Hero-King" concept-- I think that this is a formulation that has value-- but I think you may be trying to force too much into it. I'd say that the "Ronin" concept is a somewhat better fit for some of the narratives you are discussing. The King is dead, and order/honor must be restored. None of the Magnificent Seven-- or their pals the Seven Samurai-- ever become King, or could become King. The best they can do is to try to restore a corner of the world back to the state of natural order where it belongs.

"The Seven Samurai" popped up on my queue a couple of weeks ago, actually. It had been dog years since I'd last seen it-- I think I was an undergrad-- and I was just knocked out by it. And "True Grit"-- the Portis novel and the movie seems to have fallen into the memory hole and somehow become overlooked. It deserves better.


Thinking back on the movie, and the book, it strikes me that the True Grit reference is made to Mattie, not Rooster. After all, she's the one who has to fight to survive the snake pit.

True, Rooster shows his grit in giving a damn about Mattie enough to carry her, but she's a fourteen year old girl. It's not likely that someone who was raised in the west wouldn't a) think of her as marriage material, or at least a sexual conquest, and b) still consider her barely out of diapers.

Ken Muldrew

"And for the record, I'm not trying to make the case that every story is a tale of a hero-king or a hero-king's surrogate..."

That's right. There are 37 dramatic situations.

Bill Altreuter

I thought there were only two: a man goes on a journey; a stranger comes to town.

minstrel hussain boy

Labouef: My people are Epsicopalians.

Mattie: I figgered you for a kneeler.

you're spot on in your analysis lance.

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