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Add to that GAY teenagers with Asperger's, learning disorders and ADD. I know one.


Many hugs to any such teenager, and his/her parents.

Chris The Cop

Campaspe - Amen & what you said.


What Campaspe and Chris The Cop said goes double for me. Having ADD and a mild case of Asperger's myself, I have the slightest idea, I think, of some of the hard times that a certain teenager might be going through.

Such teenagers, and their parents, are in my thoughts.


Teenagers who are Asperger's kids and have learning disorders and ADD are in hell.

Parents of teenagers who are Asperger's kids and have learning disorders and ADD who try to understand and help are definitely going to be seated on the right hand.

Molly, NYC

Good lord! What happened?
(I'm guessing you're not just making this statement out of the blue.)


Many hugs to any such teenager, and his/her parents.

Same here.

Janelle Dvorak

My elder son has ADHD and high school was total hell for him and by extension for my husband and me. Sympathy and best wishes to all kids and parents in the midst of this (for lack of a better word at the moment) challenge.


Chris just alerted me to my insensitivity, in case this is impacting you personally, Lance. I apologize for my thoughtless comment, and of course, my thoughts and sympathy are with you.


I'm assuming that this is affecting you personally, Lance, in some fashion. Please accept my sympathies and empathy. Children of any sort are a handful, doubly so when there's an impediment involved.


Thanks, everybody, for worrying and for the moral support. I'll pass it along to the teenager.

Molly, nothing especially terrible happened. It was just another no good, very bad day. There have been lots of these in his life. School is very stressful and after a while the stress gets too much to bear and there will be a meltdown or a flame-out or some acting out or a collapse into exhaustion. Keeping himself in check and on track is hard work and there are days when he's just too tired. Thursday was one of those days. Fortunately, he's at a good school with some fine teachers. Plus, the principal is his friend. But he was doing well this semester and I think he had himself convinced he was going to make it through to Christmas without a day like Thursday, so he's demoralized more than anything right now. He can be awful hard on himself.


My fifteen year old son has sensory integration disorder, ADHD and dysgraphia. We homeschool, which means the social situation is less intense and he can take the time he needs to do his work, but it's still tough sometimes. I'm sorry for your son's no good very bad day (that was one of my boy's favorite books when he was little).


My fifteen year old son has sensory integration disorder, ADHD and dysgraphia. We homeschool, which means the social situation is less intense and he can take the time he needs to do his work, but it's still tough sometimes. I'm sorry for your son's no good very bad day (that was one of my boy's favorite books when he was little).

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