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Other historical news you might find interesting:

New Date for Caesar's British Invasion.


Mxyzptlk, IF you puhleeeze.


Homer was something of a proto-journalist and he liked to fill his stories with the kind of realistic descriptive details and historical facts that sound as though they could only have come from first-hand observation and research...He was free to just make things up.

Homer now writes for FOX News.


"if victorious high school football teams raped the cheerleaders, carried off the homecoming queen to sell her into slavery, and slaughtered the opposing team and left their bloody corpses for the crows on the fifty yard line."

Sounds more like the Mets in 86 coming home from Houston for the Series...

I'd have to agree with your premise, Lance, that comparing ballplayers to heroes is absurdist writing.

Besides, everyone knows Odysseus was Phil Niekro...


Sounds like Huler's ideas on the Illiad were influenced heavily by that Brad Pitt movie.


Brad: Mxyzptlk, IF you puhleeeze.

Sorry about that, Brad. Fixed it.

Btw, anybody here know how to pronounce this word: "kltpzyxm"?


Maybe Magic Johnson as Odysseus, or, if we have to stay with baseball, Joe Morgan?

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