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Tom Hilton

Get Smart was an essential part of my childhood. I think I'll skip this one--it sounds like they radically redefined the characters and the relationship between them.


I enjoyed it, basically, but it was one of those "most of the funniest parts are in the trailer" kinds of movies.

To follow your construction:

I could have done without his "recovering fatty" origin. Yet another movie about people should be ashamed of their body. Relatedly, the dancing-with-the-fat-woman scene was a bit of a mixed bag. It's nice that the model-types get embarrassed by the heavy woman's dancing talent, but ... although the movie may never laugh at the fat woman, the audience surely does. "Ha. Ha. Look at how fat she is. Laugh. Laugh." Ick.

I could NOT have done without Steve Carrell as Max. I am becoming more and more convinced that he's a genius. I thought his take on the character was perfect, even if a slight departure from Adams' take.

I could NOT have done without Steve Carrell as Max. I am becoming more and more convinced that he's a genius. I thought his take on the character was perfect, even if a slight departure from Adams' take.
Yeah, his Paul Lynde was pretty much the only enjoyable part of the Bewitched movie and his Daily Show appearance on Monday (where he whipped out his checkbook and asked John 'how much for the show?') leads me to believe the guy has 'IT'.

>>He's in it and you'll get a kick out of it and out of who plays him.<<

The original is still alive, isn't he?


"Yeah, his Paul Lynde was pretty much the only enjoyable part of the Bewitched movie" You mean someone else watched that dreck besides me?!?!



The original is alive and well and he has his own website. I won't link to it, but it's easy to find. Top of the google search. He turns out to be a talented artist and caricaturist.


We can always do with more Terence Stamp. Love that man, love him. I wrote last week about my father's crush on Cyd Charisse. Well, you should see the way my mother's face goes all dim and dreamy the second you mention Stamp.


I was surprised that the movie was passable entertainment for a matinee date with my wife. I was not at all disappointed that it bore so little resemblance to the original. In fact, I dreaded that it would try. Carrell seems like a genuinely nice guy and very competent at his persona.
I enjoyed Alan Arkin as the chief.
Get Smart is one of my favorite shows, but I don't see how you can get 100 minutes out continuous plotted story of it.
Farcical movies are tough. In fact, I can't think of many worthwhile ones--maybe What's New Pussycat? or The Pink Panther Strikes Again. Maybe I'm disproving myself there; after all, wasn't Smart just an American Spy version of Clouseau?
Well, now I've convinced myself that I am disappointed.

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