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Nancy Nall

Oh, don't bother. You've already summed up the place better than I ever could.


My question is, why would this useful piece run in the WaPo the day of the primary there, rather than two weeks ago when the candidates might have made use of its advice?


This is perhaps a frivolous aside. But I've always been struck by how many icons of style came from Indiana. Carole Lombard, James Dean, Halston, Bill Blass.. I'm forgetting a few more. Of course, getting out of Indiana at the first opportunity seems a common thread.


This sounds nothing like the place in which I grew up... and yes, eventually the place I left.., maybe I grew up too close to Chicago, had parents who traveled the world and let the world in as well. I can't read pieces like this and not cringe. There was plenty of narrow-mindedness around me and I'm sure plenty of quiet bigotry, but it was so far from my experience. I spent my first 23 years in that state and although I knew I wanted to leave, it was also where I learned about the world at large how it was just as wonderful as the childhood I remember.

I hope that state votes tomorrow.

the blonde

Both Bill Blass and Carole Lombard grew up in Fort Wayne - as did Shelley Long - but proceeded to beat feet out of there as quickly as possible. I got to know Shelley's old speech teacher at South Side High School, and we lived on the same block as Carole Lombard's old house. Fittingly, the home had been tastefully restored by a group of gay men who lived there.


LM kiddeth not about the topography. Like its neighbors Illinois and Ohio, Indiana was shaped by the advance and retreat of the most recent ice age: Imagine a chisel cutting down from the north, rolling rocks and dirt ahead of it like curls of wood--that's the southern third of all three states, the north side of the Ohio Valley, scenic and hilly and cave-riddled and full of limestone. Then as the glaciers withdrew, they dropped all the best soil in the northern two-thirds of each state, where all the good farm land is, leaving it flat and green as a pool table.

As you drive east on I-70 from Indianapolis, almost to Richmond, there's an official white-on-green highway sign pointing out the highest point in the state, elevation 1257 feet. Search the terrain for that peak as much as you want, but it's impossible to distinguish from the 1256-foot elevation farmland around it without a laser transit.

In addition to Nancy's piece, the Post also ran this piece about Muncie today. The Hoosier state can forget about hearing from the east coast media again for a generation.


I hope that state votes tomorrow.

That should have read, "I hope that state votes tomorrow"... and then I realized... today IS tomorrow! I keep thinking it's Monday. Oh well, I came from Indiana. :)

M.A. Peel

Don't forget Hoagy Carmichael. Lance, great snapshot of a place.

Ken Houghton

Don't forget Charlton Heston's character in Planet of the Apes, also from Fort Wayne.

When my father was scouting homes in Indiana, back in the days when firms transferred their workers instead of downsizing them, the announcement from the TWA pilot was "You are now entering Indiana. Please set your watch back one hour and twenty years."

You know what Nancy N. left out? (Besides, fluoride, that is; I spent 11 years in the largest U.S. city without fluoridated water—and, of course, some of the worst children's teeth, but prime epidemiological research data [in the way that motorcycle riders before helmet laws helped neurological research].)

Daylight Savings Time is not energy-saving. And it took Indiana switching over the give us the data to prove it.

So the state switched because one of its Republican governors had a bad idea. And the true conservatives were right. A bittersweet echo of the past fifteen years.

(Btw, iirc, AZ still doesn't have DST.)

S. McKnight

I've lived in Kentucky all my life, but the above comment about Indiana rings fairly true. It can boast of people like Kurt Vonnegut, Steve McQueen, James Dean--to mention a few. But also Jim Jones, that dude out in California (can't remember his name) who was a TV repairman and involved with skinheads and Nazis. It is, in many ways, like an extension of the poor white South. Its neighbors to the east and west (Ohio and Illinois)arer way ahead of the curve as far as social progress goes. Nevertheless, Hoosiers for the most part are good honest people. Backward, when compared to the rest of the Midwest, but still a better place than many other places in the country.

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