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In the immortal words of Homer Simpson: "A program length COMMERCIAL??????? Oh, BOY!!!!!!!!"


I don't remember whether single-company sponsorship of television programs included promotion of their products during the 1950s, but take a look at the names of the shows in this lineup in 1954:

One instance of such a programming pattern occurred on Thursday nights during the 1954-55, TV season. Here, in one single evening viewers could choose between Kraft Television Theater (ABC, 1953-55), Four Star Playhouse (CBS, 1952-56), Ford Theater (NBC, 1952-56) and Lux Video Theater (NBC, 1954-57).

I occasionally see the same thing on ABC's World News Tonight, of all places. Charlie Gibson will proudly tell the viewers that the program will have expanded news because there's a single sponsor picking up all the (slightly-reduced) commercials during the half-hour.

It's alarming but not surprising.

Lawrence Fechtenberger

So far as I am aware, FOUR STAR PLAYHOUSE did not take its name from its sponsor. The name referred to its alternating leads: Charles Boyer, Dick Powell, David Niven, and Ida Lupino.


Lawrence, the larger point remains valid.


What is Edna?


Homonym for Aetna.


Charles Boyer, Dick Powell, David Niven, and Ida Lupino.

Good super-hero team.

From what I see, a lot of pro TV writers can't write entertaining programs. I can only imagine the comedy/drama chops to be found in the average insurance executive.

I give NBC five years.


Well, those damn cavemen had a show. And liberty's ads were getting serious reviews - David Bordwell reviewed them! So....

Anyway, companies have been paying for TV shows forever - liberty pays for a good part of The American Experience, I think... I'm not sure how the story of Kit Carson or the Lobotomist promotes responsibility though. It's the bald faced admission that these shows are going to be advertisements that makes it all so wonderful. Advertisements for "responsibility" too! Nothing sez "quality television" like an edifying morality tale from an insurance company.

Though maybe they'll make like Shrek and have the villain of the show be a rampaging Gekko, or Little Richard.

Sunny Jim

Wasn't it the Fowler-led FCC of the Reagan years that threw out the limits on the number of commercials? Its buzzword was 'deregulation', freeing everyone's stooped backs from the burdensome weight of government.

Follow the career paths and money trails of FCC appointees past and present.

Who owns the airwaves?



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