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First commenter who suggests the moral of this story is that husband should hang up his own pants at night if he wants to keep the contents of his pockets to himself will be permanently banned from this webpage.


Oh. Okay then.

Mike Schilling

I expect "Husband shouldn't be gasping for breath after running only two and a half blocks" is right out too.


HAHAHA, my favorite part is your warning comment, Lance.


"Wife looks at him as if he's a fool." Ahh.....So.

I must also have a dull sense of humor as I cant see why it wasnt wife running home. . .

Chris the cop

Lance, I can't believe you're still buying into that whole middle-class "we-have-to-pay-for-something" mindset. If the ice cream was free, this never would have happened. Same for the sodas, too.

Dr Blight

You need to stop writing like you're Rorschach from Watchmen.

Only kidding, great entry.


It sure is funny! Husband ought to check his pants before leaving the home eh?

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