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velvet goldmine

You're killing me. You're killing me.


I can see where "Lost" wouldn't fit. You certainly couldn't take time out to type or read comments from others during a standard episode. That's beside the fact that it doesn't resume till January or February.

Lance, I assume you have rented seasons 1-3 and intend to watch them in order to be caught up for this year, right? Right?



You know, don't you, that pushing Lost at people is the TV watchers' moral equivalent of selling crack?

It's one thing to watch a show because you enjoy it, another to have to watch it because you need your fix. Everybody I know who likes Lost is addicted. I can't risk getting hooked.


"moral equivalent of selling crack." MEOSC. Nope, needs a better phrase; the acronym for that one looks too much like another Middle Eastern thingummie - Operations Security Council, maybe?

(I'm thinking of MEOW, here; Jimmy Carter's unfortunate choice of an easily-acronymed "Moral Equivalent of War" to describe an attempt to gain energy independence.)


Oy...possibly the most affectionate backhand I've seen delivered to a show. Howzabout holding out till January, and liveblogging BSG?

Ken Houghton

I broke my Lost addiction the easy way--trying to watch episodes last year.

When last I saw Hiro, he was guest-hosting on S60, as Sorkin's too-clever-for-network-work conceit again repeatedly cross-marketed and product-placed for his network (e.g., Dana's love of The Lion King on Broadway and others too numerous to count).

Vir Modestus

I wish to lodge a protest. "Bionic Woman" was not awful. They are doing a pretty good job of setting the plot lines up and it could go in any number of directions. Granted, some of those directions may be awful, but that was the same with "Studio 60."

There is some interesting star power on that show with some BSG folks showing up in the first few episodes, as well as Miguel Ferrer who is doing a great job of chewing the scenery while growling with that amazing voice of his.

I like watching Heroes too closely to participate in a live blog, but Bionic Woman would be a good choice, IMO.

Dickie Smith

So Heroes is good compared with S60? Really? You know some people wonder why that program is elitist, and then I read these kinds of posts from non-entities. You have completely missed the purpose of the show.

It doesn't spend enough time on the developing of the show. It isn't meant to. The show, like the West Wing, is not so much about the setting, rather it is about the characters themselves, and the family nature of the group. Which also accounts for why scenes extend beyond that which is absolutely necessary; we're also here to look at the interaction. Too much of this, too little of that; in your opinion. I found the show to be intelligent, well crafted, and mostly, funny. Jack was good but the show wasn't about him. Maybe if he had a spin-off you could have had the tacky show you were looking for. Jordan was supposed to be more charming, and funnier than your average executive because the whole point of her character is she isn't quite what you would expect. Anyway, I have to go to lectures and learn to write and create television myself, if I succeed I really hope I wont be getting your support as you don't seem to look for quality, you want mind numbing tack.

Lance Mannion


Good luck in your career.  But you do understand that entertaining non-entities is pretty much the job description for everyone working in TV and movies, right?

And, yeah, the first season of Heroes was much better than Studio 60. 

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