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« Studio 60: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's musical guest, Glen Campbell! | Main | Studio 60: Ladies and gentlemen, once again, Glen Campbell...and John Hartford! »


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Jim Tourtelott

At least the Doogie Howser reference was only a dozen years out of date. Sorkin is working his way toward the contemporary.

Culture of Truth

"You ad libbed?"

I'll say this: the best thing about the show is the interaction between Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford.

Culture of Truth

oh I'd like to see him do Trump

Culture of Truth

baby weight joke did make me laugh. HIPAA reference!

Elayne Riggs

HIPAA hits too close to home for me, or at least too close to business, as I have to deal with those regs daily... so sometimes it just glosses over me.

Jim Tourtelott

He couldn't just ask for a bracelet. If he had, Doogie wouldn't have been the deus ex machina.

Culture of Truth

this standards guy looks like a young charlie chaplin

Culture of Truth

as I have to deal with those regs daily...

So do I...

Jim Tourtelott

I have forgotten. Is he the same standards guy whose insistence on cutting Crazy Christians caused Wes to go all Howard Beale in the premiere?

Jim Tourtelott

So, is Simon's last speech Sorkin's considered judgment of his audience?

Ken Houghton

Did he say, "You'd have to be an idiot to lose money with Studio 60?"

Ken Houghton

BY the way, what happened to Donovan??

Ken Houghton

And the perfect Glen Campbell encore (since there doesn't seem to be a video of him doing "The Moon's a Harsh Mistress" on YouTube).


That last scene really was a "West Wing" scene.

Poor Aaron. He misses Jeb!

I do too, but probably not as much.


Jeb? JEB? Ahem, it's Jed.

The show? Seriously, this was one of the worst episodes of the series. There were a few cute lines, but just about everything was off. Bleh.


Whoops -- you're right -- it's Jed.

Yeah, I miss him!

Ken "Pajama Person" Houghton

I thought it was Jebediah.

"Your recent episodes of Studio 60 are so clearly a do-over for The West Wing's completely lame attempt to deal with September 11." More here.

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