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Culture of Truth

It's not actually a good idea to remind the viewers of the absurdity your show's plot developments. But I guess he knew that.

Ken Houghton

iPhone discovery of the day: you can't use it on a VPN.

Dan Coyle

Ah, Steve Weber. I WURVE YOU!

Culture of Truth

I wanna see monkeys build an ark

Culture of Truth

Do they repeat every single line?


Culture of Truth

Of course Army Guy suspects. He's one of Sorkin's heroic black characters. Didn't you see the halo?

Culture of Truth

Bradley Whitford thinks God is a Hollywod exec and he won't work with him dammit!

Ken Houghton

All right. NOW I'm pissed. Not only did the DVR not work (Matt Albie's G-d clearly likes me), but the threatened promised BRUCE episode (where we all would have pretended that Aaron Sorkin is John Sayles) appears not about to happen.

So we get to see Harriet move on and Jordan Move On--and that's probably the BEST case scenario for next week. Oh, wait--the preview Indicates Otherwise. And now MusicChoice is playing Eddie Murphy singing (term used loosely) "Party All the Time."

So I'm watching next week, mainly for a Joshua Molina cameo. What's everyone else going to use as a reason?


Anybody else wonder why Danny hasn't made some move to contact Jordan's family back in Virginia? Surely the numbers are on her cellphone. Some future husband.

His comment to Harriet - I got where I am because I worked hard and did a stint as an unpaid intern - is classic Hollywood. As if there's no room for profound gratitude (another kind of humility) in that mix. As if there aren't other people who worked equally hard and did other unpaid work and had equal talent but didn't get equal bounty... "but for the grace of God" - surely a worthy new twist on Harriet's holy speeches. Wasn't there an opening paragraph in Lillian Hellman's Pentimento that went to the heart of this?

Why does Sorkin let his characters be such assholes? How does it serve the work?


i simply hate harriet and now firmly believe her miscasting doooomed this show despite all it's other shortcomings. in fact i may never be able to watch paulson again...

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