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I think we all need a morphine drip for the remainder of the show.

Jim Tourtelott

"I'll be here having a concussion" is the first marginally funny line Paulson's ever delivered.

Ken Houghton

Harriet ("I'll just sit here with a concussion") speaks for the viewer. And I've only had a glass of wine.

That's NEOnatal-ICU, as anyone who has ever had a kid there will never f*ck*ng forget; clearly, Sorkin's research is up to its usual standards.

No one else wants to take the blame.

Transformers opens Tuesday; why?

Jim Tourtelott

It would be Diana's 46th birthday. Okay, I don't understand why, either. But it would be her 46th birthday.

Ken Houghton

NOW I know why Whitford's doing this show.

Ken Houghton

My soundtrack for tonight is the Shelley Hirsch track on this disc (disc 2, track 8).

Elayne Riggs

Jack Rudolph, Divorced Action Executive!


When you write a show like this, you should say you're sorry a lot.

Ken Houghton

Jack Rudolph, Action Divorc-ay.


I still think Jack Rudolph, Action Executive needs to have a Christmas special ala Dean Martin.

Elayne Riggs

"Orange Alert?" Were they even doing that five years ago?

Ken Houghton

Matthew. What verse? 28:20?

Tom W.

Lance, a very quick check-in - not for the series, but for the institution of "blogging it live." Which, I'll add, you never did here. Sure, Sorkin's uninteresting show about an unfunny comedy show formed a backbone of sorts to what went on here. But it was really unimportant - the live-blogging of S60 was a place for bloggers and commenters of a certain vintage (boomers) could gather an exchange banter - oh how so many of us miss real banter in daily life.

In any case, today is my 21st wedding anniversary and I'm checking in from a hotel room for all five of us in Clan Watson (happy anniversary) after hours of traffic on I-95 fighting our way down to Colonial Williamsburg. Farewell, live-blogging!


Harriet's superior. She's been superior through the entire damn show.

Ken Houghton

No, Elayne. As I said about Sorkin's research skills.

Elayne Riggs

Happy anniversary, Tom! Surely you could spend it a better way. :)

Ken Houghton

Luke p*ss*s away money out of spite, so probably not. (Unlike Matt, who p*ss*s it away because he thinks DolphinGirl is Worth Winning, which the last scene rather disproved.)

This would have been a much better show with Amanda Peet and Sarah Paulson switching places.

Ken Houghton

what Elayne Said, TomW. Stop by William & Mary, as see if there is a Jon Stewart memorial dorm room.

Jim Tourtelott

This would have been a much better show if Aaron Sorkin didn't hate Kristen Chenoweth's guts, and if he had any clue what her talent was.

Ken Houghton

we like Suzanne.

Elayne Riggs

I bet Wes actually fired Matt, and Matt's not saying.

Ken Houghton

Cingular/SBC bought AT&T, but kept the AT&T name.

I don't have a clue what KC's talent is either--and I've seen her in almost every medium.

Ken Houghton

I take back what I said about Whitford.

Ken Houghton

And take back the take-back, as he does his best Mitt Romney imitation.

Elayne Riggs

Lots of decisions are made in the two minutes it takes Sorkin's characters to walk down corridors!

Ken Houghton

I'd rather he was Shoveling Shit in Louisiana.

Ken Houghton

I'm not talking about her stage presence either, but KC has more.

Elayne Riggs

"Painkillers and vodka." Isn't that what we're supposed to be ordering from the bar tonight, Lance?

Elayne Riggs

"Oh God, come on." Yeah, my husband just expressed similar sentiments.

Ken Houghton

Wal-Mart and L'Oreal -- I think I'm the wrong demographic for this show. Time to go JR, AE.

Anthony Cartouche

Any chance we'll get one more look at the Nicolas Cage show?

Ken Houghton

They've got the NYT piece about how those guys who flew at the wrong attitude and killed 200 people--oh, sorry, about how their passengers survived--highlighted.

Who at the WSJ/WaPo/LATimes paid for the NYT to be featured in that ad?

Elayne Riggs

Re: the McDonald's ad -- it's true, everyone's using thought balloons now EXCEPT comics...

Elayne Riggs

Hang on, she drew up adoption papers the minute she met Matt for a baby she didn't know she was pregnant with yet? My head hurts.

Ken Houghton

Kill her, or profile her from the wrong side? Decisions, decisions.

Becca Tripp.

Ken Houghton

We're about to beat the Silkwood reference...I fear.

Elayne Riggs

Oh, I'm so jealous of Jack Rudolph, Action Executive's drunkenness!

Ken Houghton

can we have the blacklisted writer from, like, episode five appear again, please?

Elayne Riggs

Damn, a perfectly good promised drunken fisticuffs ruined by a perfectly bad promise of plot movement! Naturally we need to go to commercial.

Ken Houghton

Yes, the speech that opened the series was pure bullshit. We thought you knew that.

Anthony Cartouche

I gave up booze during the Reagan administration and this show makes me want to get drunker than Jack Rudolph.

Ken Houghton

I am so there for Order of the Phoenix. Not so much for the Jill Sobule-knockoff singing verse 1.

Jim Tourtelott

Hey, where the hell is Busfield? Busfield and Webber have been the only reasons to watch this mess for months, and he doesn't get a scene in the finale?

Ken Houghton

"healthy enough for sexual activity" and "Don't drink alcohol TO EXCESS with Cialis."

Ken Houghton

Take down PCP?

Culture of Truth

They rescued his brother.

Call me less than shocked.

Ken Houghton

Lance has the same commercials I do, I see.

And, after trashing the military, Tom is about to get down on his knees Grenada-style— but JR, AE, Saves the Day.

Oh, sh*t.

Elayne Riggs

Yeah, happy endings are cheap and easy, but screw it. I'd rather it ended this way than with the screen going to black.

Culture of Truth

Shit. I was hoping it actually was God.

What a great way to end a tv series.

Ken Houghton

Are you reconsidering that, Elayne?

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