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Adorable Girlfriend

The Boston PD called and you Mister Mannion are on the list of suspects. It's been rumored you once played a game of Clue in the Back Bay.

The BPD wants you to know they are tough on crime and terrorist shenannigans.

Mike Schilling

Wonderfully inspired by the fourth cartoon down

mac macgillicuddy

"Touring a Caterpillar factory in Peoria, Ill., the Commander in Chief got behind the wheel of a giant tractor and played chicken with a few wayward reporters."

If I had a penny for every one of Georgie's thoughts every time the term "Commander in Chief" has been used as his moniker, we'd all be millionaires, because I'd give away the blood money, for sure.

This is an honest question: Does anyone out there older than I remember a time when the country was so obsessed with identifying the President of the U.S. with this supposedly ancillary role?

I keep waiting for Georgie to start wearing the fatigues. Never mind the caterpillars. Let's see him driving that TANK!


I don't know how old you are, mac, but I am 51, and I've never heard this before. Never mind the fact that it's inaccurate. The president is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, NOT of the entire country. And I don't care how many socks he stuffs into his codpiece.

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