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Oh dear God, Lance... you've followed Studio 60 and you've gone 'round the bend.

Jim Tourtelott

I watched the Christmas episode again just before Countdown, and my reaction to the big kiss and the stalker announcement was the same as it was a month ago--viz., if Sorkin courts the way he writes courtship I feel a great sympathy for Kristin Chenoweth. Matt was just a jackass. Danny is a guy you immediately get a restraining order on.

However, I did feel more kindly disposed to the New Orleans "O Holy Night" bit than last time, largely because those guys were really good. But it still annoys the hell out of me that Sorkin can't trust his actual audience to react the way he wants, and feels compelled to have his studio audience turn into a giant claque at the end. It's as cheap as the canned "Uh-ohs" on an episode of "My Little Margie" when Margie was about to put one over on Vern. (And by the way, Gale Storm ws a much more talented comic than Harriet is, and I never once had fantasies while watching "Oh Susanna" of her engaged in tribadism with ZaSu Pitts.)


does anyone care to guess what alias sorkin will be using tonight?


The music in the last episode is the best example I can figure of what a thin line good and bad walks. If that music had sucked, it would have drowned the whole episode, but because it was great, the episode was heightened.

Sorkin did this a lot on TWW with varying results. I'm thinking of his great use (I'm pretty sure this is the first time I saw this used on television or film) of Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah during the death of Mark Harmon scene or the Massive Attack song during Zoe's kidnapping vs. the TERRIBLE use of the... oh crap, I can't think of the name of it now - it was the play about that the President and Leo went to in the same episode as the Mark Harmon shooting where he finally decides to kill Abdul Shareef... Anyway, it was bad.

M.A. Peel

Hey, Grace Kelly--I was one of 2 people out of 90 who put her best actress award for Country Girl on my top 5 best of the best actress list. But as they say, Sarah, you are noooo Grace Kelly--


Incidentally, per the previews for this week's episode, we now have this series', "I really am quite something" sighting. One of the many recycled bits from the other two Sorkin series.


...and Ms Peet''s car breaking down on a cold winter night outside Ms Paulson's secluded house in the country where she lives alone except for the company of a handful of young, French maids all of whom...really wish Ms. Paulson would let them go, seeing as how they are neither French nor maids. The tragic fact that Ms. Paulson's attempts at comedy go horribly wrong even in real life is not lost upon the 3 U Wisconsin co-eds as they try to nurture what little mirth they can draw from each other's ill-fitting french maid costumes.


Remember the kid in high school whose attempts to talk to girls made everyone wince with empathy and horror? The first scene of tonight's episode is like that.

M.A. Peel

Dial M. for Murder on Christmas EVe-Lance, you are channeling Grace


"At least I'm back on television..."

That's kind of genius.


ignoring the overall mixed reviews (or mostly bad reviews) that the show gets, steven weber has been solid so far and definitely should have gotten some love from the golden globes. my only concern is if the show truly becomes a romantic comedy he will get even less screen time and therefore his chances in an emmy nom (which he deservces) would greatly diminish


well, atleast we now know what book sorkin read over his holiday vacation

Ken Houghton

I tried, in the midst of today's posting, to find the comment (not from you, clearly) where someone said that SP being a lesbian did skew their acceptance of her character.

Then I realised I couldn't do Righteous Indignation—and especially not in the midst of a tongue-in-cheek rant and gave up.

Glad to know who Cherry Jones is, though.

Has anything not driving by plot happened yet?

James Wolcott

"Moron" really isn't a witty adult putdown. And I don't believe it'd be flung at a board meeting--twice.


"I think now's probably a good time for a break..."

Meanwhile, somewhere in LA, Aaron Sorkin is silently taking a look around to room to see if anyone noticed how good a writer he is while simultaneously giving himself a mental high five because of how good a writer he is.

M.A. Peel

Well, Sorkin's boardroom drama isn't yet up to Wise's Executive Suite status. Calling William Holden, Fredric March . . . .


Boy! What a good thing that handy Arts & Leisure section was sitting there, eh? Otherwise that scene would have been like this:

"What do we do?"
"I dunno."
"I am serious. I dunno."
"That can't be your only answer."
"And yet it is."
"Oh my God we're screwed."


I'm bored. Please write more funny commentary about Studio Stupid. It's more fun than actually watching this show.

Ken Houghton

"an air of unpredictability"? I thought you just pick a worst-case scenario, double it, and wait for Jordan to top it.

Ken Houghton

Steve Weber gets romance with this? I miss Wings Storm of the Century.

M.A. Peel

So Danny has already been cured of his obsession? And has no working role on the show so far. Very strange plotting.

Jim Tourtelott

"Another pretty girl at the dance"? They wrote better dialogue than that forty years ago on The Edge of Night.

M.A. Peel

Thank goodness--Danny is still wacko

Dan Coyle

10:37: Simon got PWNED!

Ken Houghton


Hey! I was watching The Edge of Night forty years ago! It was snappy, it moved, and it knew camera angles that were GOOD for the performers.

"My work here is done" would not have come from Adam's mouth.


Matt Perry is making some flat bits o' dialogue sing and stupid premises work, I think. But this isn't holding together at all and I'll declare Sorkin a genius if he can pull any of it together by the time the news comes on.


Ok... the "field niggers" bit is edgy and has a glimmer of being a decent storyline, but it COMPLETELY clashes with ANYTHING else Sorkin has done in this show previously which, subsequently, makes it very, very questionable.


is everyone on this show going to be paired off? because, so far, there's no chemistry, and that's only going to spread it thinner.


this show seems to be an ensemble of potentially interesting characters potentially acting well together, but nothing imo actually gels. it feels like they are all in separate rooms spouting lines but no real feelings.

Jim Tourtelott

"My work here is done" would not have come from Adam's mouth,

True, but I'm pretty sure it came out of Josh Lyman's at least once. And that C.J. Craig described somebody as "easily distracted by shiny objects."


Is it bad that now every time Darius is on screen all I can think about is him randomly starting to break dance and step (from the movie Stomp the Yard, which, granted, I didn't actually see, but he is the main character in, and yes, it's about stepping).

Tom W.

This episode is soooo Murphy Brown.

Ken Houghton

Ah, that's what they mean by Romantic Comedy. Tom in a triangle with a Brit and an Asian waif.


oh, it's time for the liberal theme of the night: abstinence education sucks. 52 minutes into the show... aren't we running late? or did the censorship bit count? or was it the race angle?

Ken Houghton

Good thing no one has, like, a show to put up on Friday.

Jordan calling someone else "unprofessional"; new levels of Alanisirony. Can't she fire him?

M.A. Peel

The incidental music is awful-- so dated and "old" sounding. Hate that piano motif they've got going


I dunno, man... It wasn't the bang up job that I think they needed for the episode when most people were saying, "Oh this? I thought they cancelled this."

But I sometimes wonder if I judge this show a little too harshly because of how much I like Sorkin. Like, if this was the new show on The WB I'd be really impressed.


All the pop culture references would have been stale on a Bob Hope Christmas Special.

Your wish has been heard and your wish has been granted. Next week .... Snakes On a Plane!


i feel so unsatisfied...


i feel so unsatisfied...


hey, Rich Little would fit in so well on this show.

James Wolcott

Simultaneous-translation conversations have a certain built-in irritation factor.

Did anything happen in this episode? It seemed like a lot of talky dogpaddling.

Jim Tourtelott

Oh, and among liberal messages, you forgot "Reality tv is bad."

Anybody want to bet that the new fake-Machiavellian blonde's downfall will involve something like the Celebrity Big Brother contretemps that's been all the news in England this week?


Bleecch. Perry has near-magic chemistry with a lot of the cast, including the Roz Russellish asst. (in the spirit of ancient cultural references) but none with Paulson, who has no chemistry with anyone.

Aaron Adams

Despite potential firing of the Chairman of the Board and the CEO of NBS, the New Year in Studio 60 finds various forms of love confounding at least four of the main characters.

So what did you do in the war, Daddy?


Logging in from the west coast . . .

"Moron" was completely unbelievable, and that Ed Asner would back Weber up was only acceptable because it followed Sorkin's Law of Bad Ass-itude.

Danny is creepy! Send him back to drugs.

Oh -- and the evasion of the pro-sex organization -- it's kind of funny, but in an age of evasions it's disappointing. The donation you want to make is to PLANNED PARENTHOOD, Matt. PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

Dolphin Girl is embarrassing.

Fruit of the Loom could have been funny. If a comic writer were writing it.

Jim 7

Mark McKinney. DL. Could they please have something to DO? Maybe they could be, oh, I don't know...funny? I know that I've seen them be funny other places.

Elayne Riggs

Wow. Possible for any of the main characters to act older than five years old next week, please?

Ralph Hitchens

Objection, your honor -- I think it was a fair to middlin' episode in the Sorkin canon (poor choice of cultural references noted). Bad as many of you think this show is, it's still better than most of what's on network TV.

I said "most."

Dan Coyle

You know, it's saying something when I feel I'd rather watch Jack Rudolph, Intrepid Studio Executive more than anything else.

God bless you, Steven Weber!

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